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K. Lloyd Billingsley » Commentary Articles

There’s Something Bernie Sanders Isn’t Telling Us about Canadian Health Care
December 9, 2019

Mexico’s Good-for-Nothing President AMLO—Go After Murderous Cartels or Get Out of the Way
November 19, 2019

California’s Baghdadi Backlash
October 29, 2019

California’s ‘New Normal’
October 24, 2019

The Second Amendment Helped Feinstein Make It out of San Francisco Alive—But Don’t Tell City Supervisors
September 12, 2019

Biden’s Waning Sanity Is Reminiscent of McGovern’s 1972 Running Mate
September 2, 2019

Dumb Ideas Drove CNN’s Detroit Debates
August 2, 2019

2020 Democrats Proposed a Monopoly for Health Care—but Forgot to Mention It Will End Individual Choice
July 2, 2019

Joe Biden Needs a Lesson on China
June 14, 2019

‘Feeling’ the Tax Cut with Joe Biden
May 9, 2019

Was Jussie Smollett Inspired by Hollywood?
April 9, 2019

Gavin Newsom Doesn’t Care about Crime Victims
March 22, 2019

Will California’s Gavin Newsom Continue Jerry Brown’s Legacy?
February 11, 2019

50 Years after Racialized UCLA Gunfight, Diversity Derangement Prevails
January 9, 2019

California’s Jerry Brown Leaves a Legacy of Going Easy on Convicted Killers
December 4, 2018

Probing the Dozy DMV: State Auditor, Not Department of Finance, Is Best for the Job
November 13, 2018

Remembering Jim Jones, Once the Darling of California Liberals
November 5, 2018

California Workers Triumph over Axis of Union and Government Goons
October 2, 2018

Nazisplaining Made Easy
September 5, 2018

California Criminal Guide: Tips for Thugs
August 14, 2018

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