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Price: | $15.25 | |
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In the name of diversity, many leading academic and cultural institutions are working to silence dissent and stifle intellectual life. This powerful book exposes the real impact of multiculturalism on the institution most closely identified with the politically correct decline of higher educationStanford University. Authored by two Stanford graduates, this book is a compelling, if sometimes depressing, insiders tour of a world of speech codes, dumbed-down admissions standards and curricula, campus witch hunts, and anti-Western zealotry that masquerades as legitimate scholarly inquiry.
Sacks and Thiel use numerous primary sourcesthe Stanford Daily, class readings, official university publicationsto reveal a pattern of politicized classes, housing, budget priorities, and more. They trace the connections between such disparate trends as political correctness, the gender wars, Generation X nihilism, and culture wars, showing how these have played a role in shaping multiculturalism at institutions like Stanford.
Sacks and Thiel convincingly show that multiculturalism is not about learning more; it is actually about learning less. They end their comprehensive study by detailing the changes necessary to reverse the tragic disintegration of American universities and restore true academic excellence.
Foreword: Elizabeth Fox-Genovese
Preface to the Second Edition
Introduction: Christopher Columbus, The First Multiculturalist
Part I: The New Academy
Chapter 1: The West Rejected
The New Classics
A Tempest over The Tempest
Rhetoric and Reality
Chapter 2: Multiculturalism: A New Word for a New World
Multiculturalism as Diversity
Multiculturalism as Relativism
Multiculturalism as Ideology
Multiculturalism as Conformity
Chapter 3: Educating Generation X
The Therapeutic Curriculum
The Trendy Curriculum
The Victims' Curriculum
The Radical Curriculum
The Empty Curriculum
Chapter 4: The Engineering of Souls
Liberation Theology
The New Puritanism
The Multiculture
Part II: The New Culture
Chapter 5: Stages of Oppression
Creating Difference
Creating Identity
Race and "Institutional Racism"
Homosexuality and "Homophobia"
Gender and "Sexism"
The Double Bind
Chapter 6: "Welcome to Salem"
Enforcing Orthodoxy: The Speech Code
Otero II: The Empire Strikes Back
"Retributive Justice or Vengeance or Whatever"
"Militant Action"
Enemies Within
Moral Luck
Busy Doing Nothing
Chapter 7: The Egalitarian Elite
One Man vs. The Multiculture
Duping and Doling
The Great Experimenters
Chapter 8: Caliban's Kingdom
Beyond the Wasteland
The Culture of Blame
The Problem and the Solution
About the Authors
Detailed Summary
In the 1980s, Stanford University launched what its President Donald Kennedy described as a great experiment in multiculturalism. The experiment would transform campus life, leading to curricular innovation, new codes for student conduct, the celebration and institutionalization of diversity, changes in dorm life, even a refocusing of campus ministries. The Diversity Myth offers an insiders account of what multiculturalism has meant at a major university, and of what it will mean for America.
The Diversity Myth is divided into two parts. Part I, The New Academy (chapters 1-4) explores how multiculturalism has transformed the curriculum and extracurricular campus life. Part II, The New Culture, consisting of chapters 5-8, broadens the focus to consider multiculturalism as a social, political and cultural phenomenon.
Chapter 1, The West Rejected, opens with an account of Stanfords debate over Western Culture. Ostensibly, this debate centered on the merits of a core reading list for a series of required freshman courses, but it soon evolved into much more. With the notorious chant, Hey hey, ho ho, Western Cultures got to go!, Stanfords activists attacked the entire culture studied in that courseand demanded a drastic overhaul of the universitys mission.
By 1990, the Western Culture courses had been replaced by a series of new CIV (Culture, Ideas and Values) tracks. But it is highly debatable whether CIV actually increased the diversity of the curriculum: The course still primarily drew from Western culture, but its purpose had shifted to denouncing the West as racist, sexist, and classist. By eliminating the core reading list, some of Stanfords more radical professors effectively were given free rein to canonize their own ideological views.
Chapter 2, Multiculturalism: A New Word for a New World, describes how multiculturalism filled the vacuum created by the elimination of the West. What is multiculturalism? The term is used in several different and contradictory ways. On the one hand, multiculturalism is typically defined as a celebration of diversity or as cultural relativismthe belief that no culture may use its standards to judge another. But these explanations are incomplete: Not all kinds of diversity are celebrated, and the relativist rhetoric is never applied to the condemned West. Multiculturalism is also guided by a narrower, though less often articulated, set of values and judgments.
At Stanford, the values that inform multiculturalism are those of 1960s activists, who use the ideological biases of that era to calibrate and evaluate cultural differences. Typically, for example, racial differences are given great cultural importance, while religious differences are completely ignored. But the consequences of multiculturalism is more (or perhaps less) than left-liberalism: In practice, the new multicultural community simply has resulted in the most stifling conformity imaginableand this is what is so transparently at odds with all the rhetoric about diversity.
Chapter 3, Educating Generation X, explores what the new multicultural curriculum has meant in areas beyond Western Culture. The loss of objective academic standards has had a number of serious consequences. Grade inflation is rampant and a number of classes are primarily therapeutic, designed to boost students self-esteem. For other instructors, trendiness has become the guiding principle, with classes studying popular TV shows, rock groups, or cartoon strips. In other contexts, the ideological components of multiculturalism predominate, as instructors focus on social victims and radical political activism.
But when everything is equally important, then nothing really matters. The cumulative effect of all these ephemeral studies is that the curricula are ultimately empty. The real danger is not that students will become left-wing disciples of multiculturalism, but that they will become disenchanted with learning altogether. The nihilism and apathy of Generation X are not that surprising, when one considers the vacuity of much of what they have been offered.
Chapter 4, The Engineering of Souls, moves beyond the classroom to consider the extracurricular components of multiculturalismhow it has been implemented in dorm life, in conduct rules, and other university programs. Two contradictory themes soon emerge. On the one hand, there is a theology of liberation as the university encourages freedom from traditional Western moralitya bias in favor of sexual exploration, a bias against the Judeo-Christian tradition. On the other hand, however, there is a new Puritanism, with the campus hysteria over date rapea phenomenon that has been greatly exaggeratedleading to more unjustified restrictions of student liberties. Perhaps the best way of reconciling these two disparate themes is to recognize that, broadly defined, both involve the same anti-Western animus that drove Stanfords curriculum revisions.
Chapter 5, Stages of Oppression, looks in some depth at the claims of oppression that are so central to multiculturalism. The multicultural community postulates differences between groups and similarities within groupsso that members of minorities (racial, sexual, etc.)are all different from the majority in exactly the same way. This sort of diversity ignores the enormous diversity of individuals.
More specifically, the differences between minorities and majorities are conceived in terms of the oppression of the former by the latter. Minorities are all alike, according to multiculturalists, because they share a culture of being oppressed. Thus, racial identity is conceived in relation to institutional racism, gender identity in relation to sexism, and gay and lesbian identity in relation to homophobia. One of the interestingand problematiccorollaries of the culture of victimization is that, if the oppressions ever ended, then the specific minority identities would also disappear. Multiculturalism would cease to exist.
Chapter 6, Welcome to Salem, considers another dimension of the oppressed identities. An identity of victimization is not a Platonic essence, standing on its own; it is relational. For every victim, there must be a victimizer. And therefore the culture of multiculturalism (the multiculture) must, in order to reaffirm victimized identities, hunt down and eliminate its oppressors. This elimination of oppression does not occur once and for all, but must be periodically reenacted, to reinforce victimized identities that are threatened with dissipation over time.
It is in this context that one should understand the witch hunts against people who are politically incorrect. These witch hunts are not an incidental, but a necessary, component of the multiculture. Although conservative students and faculty, and white males more generally, are frequent targets, they are not the only ones. Multiculturalism also goes after people who would seem to be natural allies. Liberals who do not toe the party line in particular contexts, and minority students who do not agree with all multicultural claims, can become victims of multiculturalism. The multiculture must have enemies to denounce, and sometimes even very implausible one will do.
Chapter 7, The Egalitarian Elite, describes how the multicultural experiment gradually came to an end at Stanford. It did not end from the inside, as all checks and balances (not to mention objective standards) had been gradually eroded. But the end came from the outside, in the form of a debate over indirect costs and federal subsidization of research at Stanford University. Many of these indirect costs had been used to pay for Stanfords multicultural experiment; as government auditors uncovered a pattern of waste and abuse, they started to cut funding and the cultural revolution on campus showed to a halt.
One of the remarkable features of the cuts in indirect costs involved the arrogant attitude of Stanfords educational leaders. They could not believe that they had done anything wrong and they could not tolerate the idea that others might be able to review their activities. Platos paradoxical questionand who will guard the guardians?may not be as outdated as some believe.
Chapter 8, Calibans Kingdom, concludes with some thoughts on the aftermath of multiculturalism at Stanford, and the prospects for America. Multiculturalism has failed on campus, but it is unclear whether Stanford can go back to the pasta great deal of damage has been done by the multicultural bulldozer, and it may take many years to undo the legacy. For America, the warning seems equally clear: the multicultural culture of complaint will result in a culture of blame. As people turn on one another, real solutions to problems will recede further and further away.
It is not clear there is a political or cultural solution to the multicultural crisis. Perhaps the most promising avenues lie outside the politico-cultural realm, and will start on an individual, rather than a collective level. Individuals will have to decideon their own, with help from no one elseto forsake the ethos of resentment and anger that is so central to the multiculture. Only then will the curtain fall on the multicultural theater of diversity, in which the many actors play carefully assigned roles but rarely are able to say or do what they think is right.
This engaging saga of Stanfords experiment in multiculturalism compellingly draws readers into the nightmare world of social engineering in practice. The authors convincingly argue that the campaign to impose multiculturalism amounts to nothing less than a war on Western Civilization and, beyond it, a war on the very idea of civilization. Even those who do not agree with all of the authors views, will find The Diversity Myth a frightening and thought-provoking accountand, above all, a timely reminder that the educational collapse of our most exclusive universities must be of deep concern to us all.
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese, Elénore Raoul Professor of Humanities, Emory University
The story of The Diversity Myth is based at Stanford, but this book is larger than that. As a Harvard graduate, I recognize my own school in these pages, and quite likely you will too. By detailing the current corruption of our academic ideals with a larger audience, David Sacks and Peter Thiel have hastened the much-needed and long-awaited restoration of higher education.
Christopher Cox, former Chairman, U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission; former U.S. Congressman (R)
"The Diversity Myth shows how McCarthyism on the left is as dangerous as McCarthyism on the right. Read it and weep for what is happening on our college campuses."
Richard D. Lamm, former Governor (D) of Colorado
In a new book, The Diversity Myth, authors David Sacks and Peter Thiel show how Stanford University has incorporated the multicultural agenda into its undergraduate curriculum. The authors note that Stanfords undergraduates can now get credit for such courses as Creation/Procreation, which looks into the gendered aspects of cosmological or religious systems, and Gender and Science, which purports to study science free of outdated assumptions. There is also a feminist studies course titled How Tasty Were my French Sisters, about which I dare not speculate.
Wall Street Journal
Years ago, William Buckley, a very young Yale graduate, authored the seminal critique of higher education in America, God and Man at Yale. Sacks and Thiel, very young Stanford graduates, have now written the sequel. The Diversity Myth confirms the continuing decline of intellectual integrity in our finest colleges and universities and lays bare what must be corrected if higher education is ever to achieve the great potential of which it is capable.
Martin C. Anderson, Keith and Jan Hurlbut Senior Fellow, Hoover Institution, Stanford University; author, Imposters in the Temple: The Decline of the American University
The Diversity Myth is a carefully documented and sensitively recorded historical account of the whole tragic saga, together with keen analysis of how all this could have happened. Future historians will find this book indispensable.
National Review
The Diversity Myth is a devastating indictment of how a great university came close to being destroyed. Well-written and concise, the book lays out the difference between those seeking to understand other cultures and those seeking to eviscerate our own. It is must reading for anyone who values the discourse of civility over the politics of intellectual intolerance and zealotry.
Philip Merrill, former President and Publisher, Washingtonian
A great read and an important story, this book will not just cause alarm about our educational institutions. It will inspire renewal.
William Kristol, Editor and Publisher, The Weekly Standard
Two veterans of the culture wars at Stanford University have written a book exposing the downside of higher educations rush to embrace a new mission known as multiculturalism. . . . The national experiment in multiculturalism and the pursuit of institutional diversity for diversitys sake led by Stanford also brought the disintegration of academic standards, they contend. Its completely anti-intellectual, said Peter A. Thiel, co-author with David O. Sacks of The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and the Politics of Intolerance at Stanford. Multiculturalism is about studying less, not more. It has nothing to do with other cultures and no stress of foreign languages. Its anti-Western, not non-Western. . . . Reaction to the book and its authors from the Stanford administration has been hostile.
Washington Times
"A first-rate piece of reporting and analysis, The Diversity Myth is required reading for those who care about Stanford and about the content of higher education."
Dinesh D'Souza, Author, Illiberal Education and many other books
There is no higher duty for intellectuals than to denounce incipient totalitarianism wherever they observe it. Some of its symptoms are present at Stanford. In The Diversity Myth, two recent Stanford graduates document the situation there with a thoroughness and depth of analysis that should help stiffen the spine of university administrators.
René N. T. Girard, Andrew B. Hammond Professor Emeritus of French Language, Literature, and Civilization, Stanford University
If you want to find out what went wrong at Stanford University, read The Diversity Myth. Theres hardly a better source than this book for learning why multiculturalism on campus cannot work.
Linda L. Chavez, former Director, U. S. Commission on Civil Rights; Chairman, Center for Equal Opportunity
Written by two recent Stanford Graduates, The Diversity Myth says the campus was divided, and the curriculum destroyed, by the multicultural movement. The authors, David O. Sacks and Peter A. Thiel, bemoan the offering of a history course in the spring of 1992 that focused entirely on black hair styles as a political and cultural statement. . . . Their book also discusses censorship, speech codes, and date rape.
The Chronicle of Higher Education
"Two former Stanford students, who lived through the 'culture wars' there, have written the most thorough and detailed account yet available of what 'multiculturalism' has meant at a major American university. With fascinating and often disheartening detail, The Diversity Myth will certainly lead readers to question what is happening today in American higher education."
Nathan Glazer, Professor of Education and Social Structure, Emeritus, Harvard University
[T]he multiculturalism of todays politically correct university academician or fashionable writer? Perhaps two Stanford graduates put it best in their recent critique of their universitys rampant multiculturalism. It has nothing to do with other cultures and no stress of foreign languages, Peter A. Thiel and David O. Sacks, authors of The Diversity Myth, write. Its anti-Western, not non-Western . . . indeed, a war on Western civilization.
Chicago Tribune
The Diversity Myth reveals the intellectual corruption that captured one of our nations premier universities. But the fact that these authors demonstrated the wisdom and the will to expose such conditions gives hope for at least some of its graduates.
Edwin W. Meese, III, former United States Attorney General; Ronald Reagan Distinguished Fellow and Chairman, Center for Legal and Judicial Studies, Heritage Foundation
The Diversity Myth charges that politicized classes and student activities have led to an ironic intolerance on campusintolerance of all things Western.
I was blessed to have attended Stanford during a political calm between the violence of 1969-71 and the more subtle intimidation discussed in The Diversity Myth. Even then, Stanfords political culture was reflexively left, and dissenters could expect rhetorical flailings. But, there were no more taboos on expression than existed in the society beyond. Somehow that changed, and with it the character of the institution. This book explains why.
Tim W. Ferguson, Editor, Forbes Asia; Stanford Class of 1977
People who affect to believe that political correctness is merely a phantom of the conservative imagination are fond of saying that that same few isolated incidents are endlessly recycled. . . . Sacks and Thiel present a series of such incidents, less widely reported than the uproar over Stanfords curriculum but more groubling because they show how far those in charge of universities are willing to go to intrude on students privacy and their freedom of conscience.
Linda Seebach, Editorial Page Editor, Rocky Mountain News
"David Sacks and Peter Thiel not only traveled into the heart of darkness, they had to get an education while they were there. The Diversity Myth demonstrates that they succeeded and that the darkness need not always win."
R. Emmett Tyrrell, Jr., Editor-in-Chief, The American Spectator
In a just-released, hard-hitting book, The Diversity Myth, co-authors and Stanford Alumni David sacks and Peter Thiel expose the radicalization in curriculum and student activities at Stanford University in recent years. Beyond the pervasive politicization of the curriculum, Sacks and Thiel also detail what they say has been a sharp degradation of academic standards at Stanford.
Human Events
Although this book is by no means the first effort to isolate and analyze the multiculturalist virus infecting American higher education, it may well be the best. . . . The Diversity Myth is both an alarming account of a great institutions flirtation with self-destruction and a withering exposé of academic arrogance and folly.
Requirements at prestigious Stanford University have been altered to emphasize political correctness at the expense of the classics, two recent graduates argue in their provocative book, The Diversity Myth. . . . Thiel and Sacks provide a devastating report from the belly of the beast of multiculturalism and political correctness, or PC.
Insight on the News
"The Diversity Myth is a compelling tour of campus speech codes, dumbed-down admissions standards and curricula, and anti-Western zealotry that masquerades as scholarly inquiry.
Christopher G. Long, President, Intercollegiate Studies Institute
Both graduates of Stanford University and Research Fellows at The Independent Institute, David O. Sacks is former Chief Operating Officer and Peter A. Thiel is former Chairman and Chief Executive Officer at PayPal, Inc. Mr. Sacks is also Founder and former Chief Executive Officer at Yammer, Inc., and Geni, Inc.
Who Is David Sacks, Trumps Pick for AI and Crypto Czar? The Diversity Myth by David Sacks and Peter Thiel mentioned in The Wall Street Journal | Tue., Dec. 10, 2024 | |
Editors Note: The Fight Against Stanfords Censorship The Diversity Myth by Peter Thiel and David Sacks cited in The Stanford Review | Fri., Sep. 20, 2024 | |
Peter Thiel Is Taking a Break from Democracy Peter Thiel, co-author of The Diversity Myth cited in The Atlantic | Thu., Nov. 9, 2023 | |
The Diversity Myth 30 Years Later Peter Thiel, co-author of the The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus interviewed on Founders Fund YouTube Channel | Mon., Aug. 21, 2023 | |
Peter Thiel to Step Down from Facebook Board, Shift to Supporting Republican Candidates The Diversity Myth by Peter Thiel and David Sacks mentioned on | Tue., Feb. 8, 2022 | |
Peter Thiel Hates a Copycat The Diversity Myth by Peter Thiel and David O. Sacks is cited in The Atlantic | Tue., Sep. 14, 2021 | |
The Truth about the Big Tech Cartel & Parler The Diversity Myth by Peter A. Thiel and David O. Sacks mentioned on the Rubin Report podcast | Sun., Mar. 21, 2021 | |
Research Fellow Peter Thiel, co-author of The Diversity Myth discusses the book as well as Trump, Gawker, and Leaving Silicon Valley on The Rubin Report | Thu., Sep. 13, 2018 | |
Book The Know-It-Alls tells how PayPals Peter Thiel rode a wave of disruption The Diversity Myth cited in The Australian Financial Review | Fri., Aug. 3, 2018 | |
The Diversity Myth, by David Sachs and Peter Thiel cited (CNET) | Mon., Aug. 7, 2017 | |
Whats behind the tech industrys toxic masculinity problem? Inside the Valley of the Bros, by Tamsin McMahon cites The Diversity Myth (The Globe and Mail) | Sat., Jul. 22, 2017 | |
Peter Thiels Bad Art of the Deal Peter Thiel, author of Independent Institute book The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus cited on The Pride LA | Sat., Jul. 23, 2016 | |
Gay Tech Billionaire Peter Thiel Belittles Trans Rights in Republican Convention Speech Peter Thiel, author of Independent Institute book The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus cited on | Fri., Jul. 22, 2016 | |
The Strange Politics of Peter Thiel, Trumps Most Unlikely Supporter Peter Thiel, author of Independent Institute book The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus cited on | Thu., Jul. 21, 2016 | |
The VERY Contradictory PayPal Billionaire Who Will Endorse Trump: Gay Libertarian Who Funded Hulk Hogan Libel Case and (Who Doesnt Believe in Democracy) Peter Thiel, author of Independent Institute book The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus cited on Daily Mail (UK) | Thu., Jul. 21, 2016 | |
12 Things to Know About the Other Thin-Skinned Billionaire Speaking at Tonights RNC Peter Thiel, author of Independent Institute book The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus cited on Mother Jones | Thu., Jul. 21, 2016 | |
Is Peter Thiel, Silicon Valley Investor, Shorting Democracy at Trumps Convention? Peter Thiel, author of Independent Institute book The Diversity Myth: Multiculturalism and Political Intolerance on Campus cited on | Thu., Jul. 21, 2016 | |
5 Things to Know About PayPal Co-Founder Peter Thiel Peter Thiel, author of The Diversity Myth cited on | Fri., May. 27, 2016 | |
Billionaires Involvement in Hogan Case Raises US Concerns over Freedom of the Press Peter Thiel, author of The Diversity Myth cited on The Drum | Fri., May. 27, 2016 | |
The Rise of Peter Thiel, the Iconic Silicon Valley VC Who Wants to Cheat Death Peter A. Thiel, author of The Diversity Myth cited in | Tue., Apr. 12, 2016 | |
The Competition Myth, by Peter Thiel cites The Diversity Myth (Intercollegiate Review) | Mon., Feb. 2, 2015 | |
A Brand New World In Which Men Ruled Research Fellow Peter Thiel, author of The Diversity Myth cited in The New York Times | Tue., Dec. 23, 2014 | |
Berkeley Protests Shut Down Peter Thiel Speech, by Joel Pollak cites The Diversity Myth ( | Fri., Dec. 19, 2014 | |
Berkeley Protests Shut Down Peter Thiel Speech, by Joel Pollak ( cites The Diversity Myth | Thu., Dec. 11, 2014 | |
To je nemski sef mafijcev, ki so zavladali svetu, by Ales Zuzek cites The Diversity Myth (Planet, Slovenia) | Sun., Nov. 2, 2014 | |
Article Silicon Valley guru Peter Thiel is on a mission to change the world cites The Diversity Myth (Weekend Australian Magazine) | Sat., Oct. 11, 2014 | |
Article Peter Thiels innovative approach to philanthropy, by Martin Morse Wooster cites The Diversity Myth (Philanthropy Daily) | Wed., Sep. 17, 2014 | |
Article Why celebrity genius Peter Thiel is grossly overrated, by Michael Lind cites The Diversity Myth (Salon) | Thu., Sep. 11, 2014 | |
Peter Thiel disagrees with you Research Fellow Peter Thiel, co-author of The Diversity Myth cited in Fortune | Thu., Sep. 4, 2014 | |
Review by Patrick Haynes of The Diversity Myth by David O. Sacks and Peter A. Thiel (HAYNESonFIRE) | Wed., Sep. 4, 2013 | |
Article The Case Against Affirmative Action by David O. Sacks and Peter A. Thiel (Stanford Alumni Magazine) | Wed., Jan. 30, 2013 | |
The singular vision of Peter Thiel, by Chris Barton cites The Diversity Myth (The New Zealand Herald) | Fri., May. 18, 2012 | |
Article No Death, No Taxes: The libertarian futurism of a Silicon Valley billionaire, by George Packer cites The Diversity Myth (The New Yorker) | Mon., Nov. 28, 2011 | |
Article Peter Thiel: 21st Century Free Radical, by Romesh Ratnesar cites The Diversity Myth (BusinessWeek, New America Foundation) | Fri., Feb. 4, 2011 | |
Article Life After Facebook, by Brian Caulfield and Nicole Perlroth cites The Diversity Myth (Forbes) | Wed., Jan. 26, 2011 | |
Article The Intellectual Force behind Web 2.0, by Kyle Huwa cites The Diversity Myth (The Stanford Review) | Mon., Nov. 1, 2010 | |
Interview with Peter Thiel, by Jorge Jacobs and Maria Dolores Arias cites The Diversity Myth (NewMedia UFM, Universidad Francisco Marroquin, Guatemala) | Fri., Nov. 6, 2009 | |
Article Technology Is at the Center: Entrepreneur and philanthropist Peter Thiel on liberty and scientific progress, by Ronald Bailey cites The Diversity Myth (Reason) | Fri., May. 1, 2009 | |
Article Are Democracy and Capitalism Compatible?, by Pascal-Emmanuel Gobry cites The Diversity Myth (The American Scene) | Tue., Apr. 14, 2009 | |
Article The IMFs Big Wealth Transfer, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (The Wall Street Journal) | Fri., Mar. 13, 1998 | |
Article Internet Shakes Up Complacent Press, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (San Francisco Chronicle) | Tue., Mar. 10, 1998 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Right Side (National Empowerment Television) | Fri., Oct. 24, 1997 | |
Article Diversity gets an F at Stanford, by Ron Knecht on The Diversity Myth (Marin Independent Journal) | Tue., Jun. 3, 1997 | |
Peter Thiel on Debates Debates (PBS-TV) | Sat., Feb. 15, 1997 | |
David Sacks is interviewed on Washington Journal (C-SPAN) | Sat., Feb. 8, 1997 | |
Peter Thiel on Debates Debates (PBS-TV) | Fri., Nov. 15, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel on Debates Debates (PBS-TV) | Mon., Nov. 4, 1996 | |
David Sacks discusses The Diversity Myth on Washington Journal (C-SPAN) | Sat., Oct. 26, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth (WNIS-AM, Virginia Beach, VA) | Wed., Sep. 18, 1996 | |
David Sacks is interviewed on The Diversity Myth (KDAR-FM, Ventura, CA) | Sat., Sep. 7, 1996 | |
Article The Case Against Affirmative Action, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Stanford Magazine) | Sun., Sep. 1, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Tony Macrini Show (WNIS-AM, Virginia Beach) | Thu., Aug. 29, 1996 | |
David Sacks is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Robert Namer Show (Talk American Network) | Fri., Aug. 23, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth (KKUP-FM, Santa Clara, CA) | Thu., Aug. 8, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth (WGR-AM, Buffalo, NY) | Sun., Jul. 28, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on Washington Journal (C-SPAN) | Sat., Jul. 20, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Norm Resnick Show (American Freedom Network) | Mon., Jul. 15, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Peter Weissbach Show (KOGO-AM, San Diego) | Thu., Jul. 11, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on Coffee Break with Scott Johnson (KFKA-AM, Greeley, CO) | Wed., Jul. 10, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Mike Haga Show (American Freedom Network) | Sun., Jul. 7, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Ray Hageman Show (KOWB-AM, Laramie, WY) | Wed., Jun. 19, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Tom Joyner Show (WPIF-AM, Raleigh, NC) | Tue., Jun. 18, 1996 | |
Article Public Relations 101: Cardinal Vices, by David O. Sacks and Peter A. Thiel (National Review West) | Mon., Jun. 17, 1996 | |
Article Public Relations 101: Cardinal Vices, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (National Review) | Mon., Jun. 17, 1996 | |
David Sacks speaks on and autographs The Diversity Myth (American Booksellers Association Convention, Chicago) | Sat., Jun. 15, 1996 | |
David Sacks is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The John Quaintance Show (WXBQ-FM, Bristol, VA) | Fri., Jun. 14, 1996 | |
David Sacks is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Dave Kirby Show (WTBF-AM, Troy, AL) | Wed., Jun. 12, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel speaks on The Diversity Myth (City Club of San Francisco) | Tue., Jun. 11, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth (Salem Radio Network) | Mon., Jun. 10, 1996 | |
Article Money drives higher education cites The Diversity Myth (Bainbridge (GA) Post-Searchlight) | Sat., Jun. 8, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth (KKPZ-AM, Portland, OR) | Thu., May. 30, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Lee Rogers Show (KSFO-AM, San Francisco) | Tue., May. 21, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Bob Larson Show (International Broadcast Network) | Fri., May. 17, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The 700 Club (CBN TV) | Wed., May. 15, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth (WWDB-FM, Philadelphia) | Tue., May. 14, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth (USA Radio Network) | Mon., May. 13, 1996 | |
David Sacks is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on Morning Roundtable (C-SPAN) | Sat., May. 11, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Pete Scofield Show (WCCO-TV, Minneapolis, MN) | Sat., May. 11, 1996 | |
David Sacks is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on Mitchells in the Morning (National Empowerment Television) | Fri., May. 10, 1996 | |
Review of The Diversity Myth (Liberty & Religion) | Mon., May. 6, 1996 | |
Review of The Diversity Myth (National Review) | Mon., Apr. 22, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel debates Professor John K. Wilson on The Diversity Myth (C-SPAN) | Wed., Apr. 3, 1996 | |
Two reviews of The Diversity Myth (Crisis) | Mon., Apr. 1, 1996 | |
Article praises and quotes The Diversity Myth (The Public Interest) | Sat., Mar. 30, 1996 | |
Article The Dumbing Down of Higher Education, by William E. Simon cites The Diversity Myth (Campus) | Mon., Mar. 25, 1996 | |
Article The Dumbing Down of Higher Education, by William E. Simon cites The Diversity Myth (The Wall Street Journal) | Tue., Mar. 19, 1996 | |
David Sacks is interviewed on The Diversity Myth (Liberty Roundtable Radio, Madison, WI) | Sat., Mar. 2, 1996 | |
Article Feminist Agenda Is Sometimes Inconsistent, but Not Random, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Shippenburg (PA) News) | Mon., Feb. 26, 1996 | |
Article Culture War Includes Sex, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Champaign (IL) News-Gazette) | Sun., Feb. 25, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth (Bay-TV Prime) | Wed., Feb. 21, 1996 | |
Article by Charles Clark cites The Diversity Myth (Congressional Quarterly Researcher) | Fri., Feb. 16, 1996 | |
Article The Cost of Multiculturalism, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (San Francisco Chronicle) | Thu., Feb. 15, 1996 | |
Article Gender War: Feminists Criminalize Normal, Glorify Bizarre, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Mesa (AZ) Tribune) | Sun., Feb. 11, 1996 | |
Article Gender War: Feminists Criminalize Normal, Glorify Bizarre, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Tempe Daily News Tribune) | Sun., Feb. 11, 1996 | |
Article Gender War: Feminists Criminalize Normal, Glorify Bizarre, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Chandler Arizonan Tribune) | Sun., Feb. 11, 1996 | |
Article Gender War: Feminists Criminalize Normal, Glorify Bizarre, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Scottsdale Progress Tribune) | Sun., Feb. 11, 1996 | |
Monets Giverny is a fine example of true multiculturalism, Universal Press Syndicate column by Georgie Anne Geyer praises The Diversity Myth (Chicago Tribune) | Fri., Feb. 9, 1996 | |
Article P.C. Sex: What if a Woman Changes Her Mind the Next Day?, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Keene (NH) Sentinel) | Thu., Feb. 8, 1996 | |
Article Puritan Perplexities Abound in Americas Sexual Revolution, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Gillette (WY) News Record) | Wed., Feb. 7, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Mike Rosen Show (KOA-AM, Denver) | Thu., Feb. 1, 1996 | |
Article The Sexual Revolution Joins the New Puritanism, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Journal Inquirer) | Thu., Feb. 1, 1996 | |
Review of The Diversity Myth (Stanford Review) | Mon., Jan. 22, 1996 | |
Interview of Stanford University President Gerhard Casper discusses The Diversity Myth (Stanford Review) | Mon., Jan. 22, 1996 | |
David Sacks and Peter Thiel are interviewed on The Diversity Myth on Firing Line (PBS-TV) | Sun., Jan. 21, 1996 | |
Multiculturalism and Stanford University interview of David Sacks and Peter Thiel on Firing Line with William F. Buckley, Jr. (PBS TV) | Sun., Jan. 21, 1996 | |
David Sacks is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Milt Rosenberg Show (WGN-AM, Chicago) | Thu., Jan. 18, 1996 | |
Article on The Diversity Myth by Eric Jackson (Stanford Review) | Mon., Jan. 15, 1996 | |
The Diversity Myth cited (Bimonthly Review of Law Books) | Mon., Jan. 15, 1996 | |
Article Downside of multiculturalism cited: Former students assail Stanford as anti-Western, by Carol Innerst discusses The Diversity Myth (Washington Times) | Thu., Jan. 11, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Al Kresta Show (WMUZ-FM, Detroit) | Tue., Jan. 9, 1996 | |
The Diversity Myth is the featured selection (Intercollegiate Studies Institute) | Sat., Jan. 6, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Mython The Michael Savage Show (KSFO-AM, San Francisco) | Thu., Jan. 4, 1996 | |
Article Sexual Revolutions Puritan Perplexities, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Washington Times) | Tue., Dec. 26, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel interviewed on The Diversity Myth (WLW-AM, Cincinnati) | Wed., Dec. 20, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel interviewed on The Diversity Myth (WATR-AM, Waterbury, CT) | Tue., Dec. 19, 1995 | |
Article by David Sacks, In Search of Diversity (Campus) | Fri., Dec. 1, 1995 | |
The Diversity Mythis featured selection (Conservative Book Club) | Fri., Dec. 1, 1995 | |
Article Taking aim at Stanford, by Don Kazak on The Diversity Myth (Palo Alto Weekly) | Wed., Nov. 29, 1995 | |
Taking aim at Stanford authors of The Diversity Myth Peter Thiel and David Sacks cited in PaloAltoOnline | Wed., Nov. 29, 1995 | |
The Diversity Myth reviewed by Steve Williford (Memphis Business Journal) | Mon., Nov. 27, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel interviewed on The Diversity Myth (WSPD-AM, Toledo, OH) | Fri., Nov. 17, 1995 | |
Article on The Diversity Myth, The Politics of Intolerance and the Myth of Diversity, by Stephen Goode (Insight on the News) | Mon., Nov. 6, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Janet Parshalls America (WAVA-FM, Washington, DC) | Tue., Oct. 31, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Joe DeMatteo Show (WFAS-FM, Yonkers, NY) | Sun., Oct. 29, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth (KFI-AM, Los Angeles) | Sun., Oct. 29, 1995 | |
College Sticker Price: $100,000, Education Optional, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Midland (TX) Report) | Sat., Oct. 28, 1995 | |
Article From Opposite Poles, New Books Examine Political Correctness, by Robin Wilson reviews The Diversity Myth (Chronicle of Higher Education) | Fri., Oct. 27, 1995 | |
Article Book Details Radicalization at Stanford University on The Diversity Myth (Human Events) | Fri., Oct. 27, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel is interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Youngbloods (National Empowerment Television) | Fri., Oct. 27, 1995 | |
Article Author discusses The Diversity Myth, by Kate Lowenhar and Jeff Giesea on The Diversity Myth (Stanford Review) | Mon., Oct. 23, 1995 | |
Editorial and cartoon on The Diversity Myth (Stanford Daily) | Mon., Oct. 23, 1995 | |
Letters on The Diversity Myth (Stanford Daily) | Mon., Oct. 23, 1995 | |
College Sticker Price: $100,000, Education Optional, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Norwich (CT) Bulletin) | Sat., Oct. 21, 1995 | |
An Open Letter to President Casper, by David O. Sacks and Peter A. Thiel (Stanford Review) | Fri., Oct. 20, 1995 | |
Open Letter to President Casper, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Stanford Daily) | Fri., Oct. 20, 1995 | |
Article on The Diversity Myth by Bob Beyers (Stanford Report) | Wed., Oct. 18, 1995 | |
College Sticker Price: $100,000, Education Optional, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Sunbury (PA) Item) | Wed., Oct. 18, 1995 | |
Article on The Diversity Myth by Linda Seebach (San Bernardino Sun) | Tue., Oct. 17, 1995 | |
Article on The Diversity Myth by Linda Seebach (Fairbanks Daily News) | Mon., Oct. 16, 1995 | |
Article on The Diversity Myth by Linda Seebach (Rocky Mountain News) | Mon., Oct. 16, 1995 | |
College Sticker Price: $100,000, Education Optional, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Stamford (CT) Advocate) | Sun., Oct. 15, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel interviewed on The Diversity Myth on The Spencer Hughes Show (KSFO-AM Radio, San Francisco) | Sun., Oct. 15, 1995 | |
Article on The Diversity Myth by Linda Seebach (San Ramon Valley Times) | Sun., Oct. 15, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel and David Sacks cited in Letter to Editor by Stanford University President Gerhard Casper (The Wall Street Journal) | Sun., Oct. 15, 1995 | |
Article Rethinking Stanfords Diversity: The Diversity Myth delivers a sharp critique of the multicultural university, by Eric Jackson on The Diversity Myth (The Stanford Review) | Thu., Oct. 12, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel interviewed on The Diversity Myth (WABC-AM Radio, New York) | Thu., Oct. 12, 1995 | |
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Asian Wall Street Journal) | Thu., Oct. 12, 1995 | |
Article on The Diversity Myth by Linda Seebach (Pleasanton (CA) Valley Times) | Thu., Oct. 12, 1995 | |
Stanford President Condemns Opinion Piece / Former students ridiculed school in Wall Street Journal Authors of The Diversity Myth Peter Thiel and David Sacks cited in The San Francisco Chronicle | Wed., Oct. 11, 1995 | |
Article on The Diversity Myth by Bill Workman (San Francisco Chronicle) | Wed., Oct. 11, 1995 | |
Letter by former Stanford President Donald Kennedy responding to Peter Thiel (The Stanford Daily) | Wed., Oct. 11, 1995 | |
Article Author debates myths, by James Wheaton cites The Diversity Myth (Stanford Daily) | Tue., Oct. 10, 1995 | |
Tuition $100,000, Education Optional, by David O. Sacks and Peter A. Thiel (Wyoming Tribune-Eagle) | Mon., Oct. 9, 1995 | |
Article Happy Indigenous Peoples Day, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (The Wall Street Journal) | Mon., Oct. 9, 1995 | |
College Sticker Price: $100,000; Education Optional, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Appleton (WI) Post) | Mon., Oct. 9, 1995 | |
College Sticker Price: $100,000; Education Optional, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Wyoming Tribune-Eagle) | Mon., Oct. 9, 1995 | |
Happy Indigenous Peoples Day, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (The Wall Street Journal) | Mon., Oct. 9, 1995 | |
Article Out of the loop, two alumni fear liberal agenda, by Sara Southern discusses The Diversity Myth (The Stanford Daily) | Mon., Oct. 9, 1995 | |
College Sticker Price: $100,000; Education Optional, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Warren (OH) Tribune) | Sun., Oct. 8, 1995 | |
College Sticker Price: $100,000; Education Optional, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Southern Illinoian) | Sun., Oct. 8, 1995 | |
The Diversity Myth Featured Selection (Accuracy in Academia) | Sun., Oct. 8, 1995 | |
College Sticker Price: $100,000; Education Optional, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (New London (CT) Day) | Sat., Oct. 7, 1995 | |
Article Happy Indigenous Peoples Day, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (The Wall Street Journal) | Thu., Oct. 5, 1995 | |
Review of The Diversity Myth (Campus Report) | Sun., Oct. 1, 1995 | |
The Diversity Myth Featured Selection (Young Americas Foundation) | Sun., Oct. 1, 1995 | |
Freshman Disorientation, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (National Review) | Mon., Sep. 25, 1995 | |
Multiculturalism and the Decline of Stanford, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Academic Questions) | Fri., Sep. 15, 1995 | |
How the West Was Lost at Stanford, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Heterodoxy) | Fri., Sep. 1, 1995 | |
College Sticker Price: $100,000, Education Optional, by David Sacks and Peter Thiel (Policy Review) | Fri., Sep. 1, 1995 |
Event | Date | |
Presentation by Peter Thiel at the Independent Institutes luncheon, Developing the Developed World: Entrepreneurship, Liberty, and the Future cites The Diversity Myth (Olympic Club, San Francisco) | Tue., Jan. 27, 2015 | |
Presentation by Peter A. Thiel at ISIs 2014 Dinner for Western Civilization cites The Diversity Myth (University Club, New York City) | Thu., Oct. 23, 2014 | |
Peter Thiel speaks on The Diversity Myth (Marin Republican Speakers Forum, Greenbrae, CA) | Wed., Jun. 4, 1997 | |
Peter Thiel speaks on The Diversity Myth (Dark Ages Weekend, Phoenix, AZ) | Tue., Dec. 31, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel speaks on The Diversity Myth (Journalists Roundtable) | Sat., Apr. 20, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel debates Professor John K. Wilson on The Diversity Myth (Heritage Foundation) | Wed., Apr. 3, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel speaks on The Diversity Myth (Pacific Research Institute) | Wed., Feb. 21, 1996 | |
Peter Thiel speaks on The Diversity Myth (Dark Ages Weekend, Boca Raton, FL) | Sat., Dec. 30, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel debated Professor Julius Getman (University of Texas Law School) | Thu., Nov. 2, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel debates John K. Wilson (author of The Myth of Political Correctness) at Accuracy in Academias Annual Convention (Washington, DC) | Sat., Oct. 14, 1995 | |
David Sacks addresses Stanford University alumni and student groups during Stanfords homecoming weekend | Sat., Oct. 14, 1995 | |
Peter Thiel debates Stanford University Admissions Officer Jon Reider (The Stanford Daily) | Mon., Oct. 9, 1995 |