Senior Fellows
Research Fellows
Burton A. Abrams
Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Delaware
Karen LaFollette Araujo
former President, Hemispheric Studies Institute
Dominick T. Armentano
Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Hartford
Stephen Baskerville
Associate Professor of Government at Patrick Henry College and author of Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family (Cumberland House, 2007).
Jonathan J. Bean
Professor of History, Southern Illinois University
Scott A. Beaulier
Dean of the North Dakota State University's College of Business
David Beckworth
Assistant Professor of Economics at Western Kentucky University
Linda Royster Beito
Professor and Dean of Arts and Science, Stillman College
K. Lloyd Billingsley
Policy Fellow, Independent Institute
Erwin A. Blackstone
Professor of Economics at Temple University
Peter J. Boettke
University Professor of Economics and Philosophy, George Mason University
Patricia H. Born
Payne H. and Charlotte Hodges Midyette Eminent Scholar in Risk Management & Insurance, College of Business, Florida State University
Donald J. Boudreaux
Professor of Economics, George Mason University
Matthew E. Brown
Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois-Springfield
Edgar K. Browning
Professor Emeritus of Economics, Texas A&M University
Laurie L. Calhoun
Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and Advisory Editor of Transition: An International Review.
Christopher J. Calton
Rosolino A. Candela
Program Director, of Academic and Student Programs and Senior Fellow in the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Art Carden
Associate Professor of Economics and Business, Samford University
Thomas F. Cargill
Professor of Economics, University of Nevada
Katie Colton
Utah State University
Roy E. Cordato
Vice President for Research, John Locke Foundation
Tyler Cowen
General Director, Mercatus Center and the James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy, George Mason University
Abigail Devereaux
Assistant Professor of Economics, W. Frank Barton Business School, Wichita State University
Thomas J. DiLorenzo
President of the Mises Institute
Kevin Dowd
Professor of Finance and Economics at Durham University, England
Donald A. Downs
Professor of Political Science, Law and Journalism, University of Wisconsin
Martin Eling
Professor of Insurance and Director, Institute of Insurance Science, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)
Richard A. Epstein
Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law, New York University
Craig Eyermann
Instructor in Business and Mathematics, Axia College, University of Phoenix
Hugo J. Faria
Professor of Economics and Finance, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion, Caracas, Venezuela
Tate Fegley
Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Governance and Markets, University of Pittsburgh
Arthur E. Foulkes
Professor of Government, Northwood University
H. E. Frech
Professor of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara
Caleb S. Fuller
Associate Professor of Economics, Grove City College
Gary M. Galles
Professor of Economics, Pepperdine University
Terry L. Gannon
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
B. Delworth Gardner
Emeritus Professor of Economics, Brigham Young University
Bradley M. Gardner
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Benjamin Ginsberg
David Bernstein Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Center for Advanced Governmental Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Zachary Gochenour
Fellow, Department of Economics, George Mason University
Peter Gordon
Professor of Policy, Planning and Development, University of Southern California
Martin F. Grace
James S. Kemper Professor of Risk Management, Georgia State University
Thomas J. Grennes
Professor Emeritus of Economics, North Carolina State University
Jahn K. Hakes
Mathematical Statistician, US Census Bureau
Simon Hakim
Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Competitive Government, Temple University
Joshua C. Hall
Associate Professor of Economics, West Virginia University
David R. Henderson
Research Fellow, Hoover Institution; Emeritus Professor of Economics, Naval Postgraduate School
Elizabeth Bernard Higgs
Adjunct Fellow, Independent Institute
Peter J. Hill
George F. Bennett Professor Emeritus of Business and Economics, Wheaton College
Jeffrey Rogers Hummel
Professor of Economics, San Jose State University
Morgan E. Hunter
Hoover Institution
David Isenberg
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Brian Isom
Research Manager, Center for Growth and Opportunity, Utah State University
L. Lynne Kiesling
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics and the Social Enterprise in the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
C. Ronald Kimberling
former Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education in the U.S. Department of Education
Daniel B. Klein
Professor of Economics, George Mason University; co-author of
Peter G. Klein
W. W. Caruth Chair and Professor of Entrepreneurship, Baylor University
Robert W. Klein
Associate Professor and director at the Center for Risk Management and Insurance Research, Georgia State University
Andrew N. Kleit
Professor of Energy and Environmental Economics, Pennsylvania State University
Roger G. Koppl
Professor of Economics and Finance, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Noelle Kowalczyk
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Emre Kuvvet
Associate Professor of Finance, Nova Southeastern University
Robert A. Lawson
Jerome M. Fullinwider Chair in Economic Freedom, Southern Methodist University
Dwight R. Lee
Emeritus Chair of Ramsey Professor of Free Enterprise, Economics Department, University of Georgia
Peter T. Leeson
BB&T Professor for the Study of Capitalism, George Mason University
David R. Legates
Retired Professor of Climatology in the Department of Geography and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Applied Economics and Statistics, University of Delaware
Eli Lehrer
President, R Street Institute
Pierre Lemieux
Economist, Department of Management Sciences, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada
Stan J. Liebowitz
Ashbel Smith Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for the Analysis of Property Rights and Innovation, University of Texas, Dallas
Edward J. López
BB&T Distinguished Professor of Capitalism, Western Carolina University
Anthony R. Lupo
Chairman and Professor of Soil, Environmental, and Atmospheric Science, University of Missouri
Ian S. Lustick
Bess W. Heyman Chair of Political Science and Director of Graduate Studies in the Political Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania
Douglas W. MacKenzie
Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Raymond J. March
Assistant Professor of Economics, Angelo State University
Stephen E. Margolis
Head, Department of Economics, North Carolina State University
J. Victor Marshall
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Adam G. Martin
Associate Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Texas Tech University
Wendy McElroy
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Richard B. McKenzie
Walter B. Gerken Professor Emeritus of Enterprise and Society, Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine
Thomas Means
Professor of Economics and Director, Center for Economic Education, San Jose State University
Roger E. Meiners
John and Judy Goolsby and E.M. (Manny) Rosenthal Chair in Economics and Law, University of Texas, Arlington
John D. Merrifield
Professor of Economics, University of Texas, San Antonio
Robert J. Michaels
Professor Emeritus of Economics, California State University, Fullerton
Jeffrey A. Miron
Professor of Economics, Harvard University
Andrew P. Morriss
Dean and Anthony G. Buzbee Dean's Endowed Chairholder, Texas A&M University School of Law
Robert P. Murphy
Senior Economist, Institute for Energy Research
Vicki E. Murray
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
George W. Nicholson
Retired Associate Justice for the Court of Appeal, Third District, State of California
M. Scott Niederjohn
Professor of Economics and Director of the Free Enterprise Center at Concordia University Wisconsin
Randal OToole
Senior Economist, Thoreau Institute
Lee E. Ohanian
Professor of Economics and Director of the Ettinger Family Program in Macroeconomic Research, University of California, Los Angeles
Edward A. Olsen
Professor Emeritus of National Security Studies, Naval Postgraduate School
James R. Otteson
John T. Ryan Jr. Professor of Business Ethics, University of Notre Dame
Ernest C. Pasour, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Resource Economics, North Carolina State University
James L. Payne
Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and Director of Lytton Research and Analysis
Jeffrey J. Pompe
Nellie Cooke Sparrow Professor of Business, Professor of Economics, and Francis Marion University Trustee Research Scholar, Francis Marion University
Lawrence S. Powell
Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Alabama
Linda C. Raeder
Professor of Politics, Palm Beach Atlantic University
R. David Ranson
President and Director of Research, HCWE & Company
Michael Reksulak
Director of Online Programs, George Mason Universitys Antonin Scalia Law School
Sheldon Richman
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
James R. Rinehart
Professor Emeritus of Economics, Francis Marion University
Paul Craig Roberts
Chairman, Institute of Political Economy; former Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Gabriel Roth
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Paul H. Rubin
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Economics, Emory University
Randal R. Rucker
Professor of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University
Matt E. Ryan
Assistant Professor of Economics, Duquesne University
Alexander William Salter
Associate Professor of Economics, Rawls College of Business and the Comparative Economics Research Fellow, Free Market Institute, Texas Tech University
Joan T. Schmit
American Family Insurance Chair in Risk Management and Insurance, University of Wisconsin, Madison
John Semmens
Laissez Faire Institute
Emily C. Skarbek
Associate Professor of Political Theory (Research), Political Theory Project and the Director of the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Research Seminar, Brown University
Vernon L. Smith
Member of the Board of Advisors, Independent Institute; Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences; Professor of Economics and Law, the George L. Argyros Endowed Chair in Finance and Economics, and the Founding Director of the Economic Science Institute at Chapman University
John W. Sommer
Knight Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography, University of North Carolina
Samuel R. Staley
Director, DeVoe L. Moore Center, College of Social Sciences, Florida State University
Edward P. Stringham
Kathryn Wasserman Davis Professor of Economic Organizations and Innovation and Deputy Director of the Shelby Cullom Davis Endowment, Trinity College
Joseph R. Stromberg
Independent Historian
Paul Sullivan
Professor of Economics, National Defense University
Scott Sumner
Professor of Economics, Bentley University
Shirley V. Svorny
Professor Emerita of Economics, California State University, Northridge
Charles Taliaferro
Professor of Philosophy, St. Olaf College
Eric R. Taylor
Marvin & Warren Boudreaux Professor of Chemistry, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Peter A. Thiel
Founder and Managing Member, Clarium Capital Management, LLC
Mark Thornton
Senior Fellow, Ludwig von Mises Institute
Ronald L. Trowbridge
Policy Fellow
Charlotte Twight
Adjunct Fellow; Professor of Economics, Boise State University
Richard E. Wagner
Hobart R. Hobart Professor of Economics, George Mason University
William J. Watkins, Jr.
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Lawrence H. White
Professor of Economics, George Mason University
Lawrence J. White
Arthur E. Imperatore Professor of Economics, New York University
Douglas Glen Whitman
Associate Professor of Economics, California State University, Northridge
Ben Wilterdink
Research Fellow
Bruce Yandle
Alumni Distinguished Professor of Economics, Emeritus and Dean Emeritus, Clemson University
Ryan M. Yonk
Senior Research Faculty, American Institute for Economic Research
José Maria J. Yulo
Lecturer in Philosophy and Western Civilization, Academy of Art University
Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Delaware
Karen LaFollette Araujo
former President, Hemispheric Studies Institute
Dominick T. Armentano
Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Hartford
Stephen Baskerville
Associate Professor of Government at Patrick Henry College and author of Taken Into Custody: The War Against Fathers, Marriage, and the Family (Cumberland House, 2007).
Jonathan J. Bean
Professor of History, Southern Illinois University
Scott A. Beaulier
Dean of the North Dakota State University's College of Business
David Beckworth
Assistant Professor of Economics at Western Kentucky University
Linda Royster Beito
Professor and Dean of Arts and Science, Stillman College
K. Lloyd Billingsley
Policy Fellow, Independent Institute
Erwin A. Blackstone
Professor of Economics at Temple University
Peter J. Boettke
University Professor of Economics and Philosophy, George Mason University
Patricia H. Born
Payne H. and Charlotte Hodges Midyette Eminent Scholar in Risk Management & Insurance, College of Business, Florida State University
Donald J. Boudreaux
Professor of Economics, George Mason University
Matthew E. Brown
Assistant Professor of Business Administration, University of Illinois-Springfield
Edgar K. Browning
Professor Emeritus of Economics, Texas A&M University
Laurie L. Calhoun
Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and Advisory Editor of Transition: An International Review.
Christopher J. Calton
Rosolino A. Candela
Program Director, of Academic and Student Programs and Senior Fellow in the F.A. Hayek Program for Advanced Study in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics at the Mercatus Center at George Mason University
Art Carden
Associate Professor of Economics and Business, Samford University
Thomas F. Cargill
Professor of Economics, University of Nevada
Katie Colton
Utah State University
Roy E. Cordato
Vice President for Research, John Locke Foundation
Tyler Cowen
General Director, Mercatus Center and the James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy, George Mason University
Abigail Devereaux
Assistant Professor of Economics, W. Frank Barton Business School, Wichita State University
Thomas J. DiLorenzo
President of the Mises Institute
Kevin Dowd
Professor of Finance and Economics at Durham University, England
Donald A. Downs
Professor of Political Science, Law and Journalism, University of Wisconsin
Martin Eling
Professor of Insurance and Director, Institute of Insurance Science, University of St. Gallen (Switzerland)
Richard A. Epstein
Laurence A. Tisch Professor of Law, New York University
Craig Eyermann
Instructor in Business and Mathematics, Axia College, University of Phoenix
Hugo J. Faria
Professor of Economics and Finance, Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administracion, Caracas, Venezuela
Tate Fegley
Postdoctoral Associate, Center for Governance and Markets, University of Pittsburgh
Arthur E. Foulkes
Professor of Government, Northwood University
H. E. Frech
Professor of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara
Caleb S. Fuller
Associate Professor of Economics, Grove City College
Gary M. Galles
Professor of Economics, Pepperdine University
Terry L. Gannon
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
B. Delworth Gardner
Emeritus Professor of Economics, Brigham Young University
Bradley M. Gardner
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Benjamin Ginsberg
David Bernstein Professor of Political Science and Chair of the Center for Advanced Governmental Studies, Johns Hopkins University
Zachary Gochenour
Fellow, Department of Economics, George Mason University
Peter Gordon
Professor of Policy, Planning and Development, University of Southern California
Martin F. Grace
James S. Kemper Professor of Risk Management, Georgia State University
Thomas J. Grennes
Professor Emeritus of Economics, North Carolina State University
Jahn K. Hakes
Mathematical Statistician, US Census Bureau
Simon Hakim
Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for Competitive Government, Temple University
Joshua C. Hall
Associate Professor of Economics, West Virginia University
David R. Henderson
Research Fellow, Hoover Institution; Emeritus Professor of Economics, Naval Postgraduate School
Elizabeth Bernard Higgs
Adjunct Fellow, Independent Institute
Peter J. Hill
George F. Bennett Professor Emeritus of Business and Economics, Wheaton College
Jeffrey Rogers Hummel
Professor of Economics, San Jose State University
Morgan E. Hunter
Hoover Institution
David Isenberg
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Brian Isom
Research Manager, Center for Growth and Opportunity, Utah State University
L. Lynne Kiesling
Senior Lecturer in the Department of Economics and the Social Enterprise in the Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern University
C. Ronald Kimberling
former Assistant Secretary for Postsecondary Education in the U.S. Department of Education
Daniel B. Klein
Professor of Economics, George Mason University; co-author of
Peter G. Klein
W. W. Caruth Chair and Professor of Entrepreneurship, Baylor University
Robert W. Klein
Associate Professor and director at the Center for Risk Management and Insurance Research, Georgia State University
Andrew N. Kleit
Professor of Energy and Environmental Economics, Pennsylvania State University
Roger G. Koppl
Professor of Economics and Finance, Fairleigh Dickinson University
Noelle Kowalczyk
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Emre Kuvvet
Associate Professor of Finance, Nova Southeastern University
Robert A. Lawson
Jerome M. Fullinwider Chair in Economic Freedom, Southern Methodist University
Dwight R. Lee
Emeritus Chair of Ramsey Professor of Free Enterprise, Economics Department, University of Georgia
Peter T. Leeson
BB&T Professor for the Study of Capitalism, George Mason University
David R. Legates
Retired Professor of Climatology in the Department of Geography and Adjunct Professor in the Department of Applied Economics and Statistics, University of Delaware
Eli Lehrer
President, R Street Institute
Pierre Lemieux
Economist, Department of Management Sciences, Université du Québec en Outaouais, Canada
Stan J. Liebowitz
Ashbel Smith Professor of Economics and Director of the Center for the Analysis of Property Rights and Innovation, University of Texas, Dallas
Edward J. López
BB&T Distinguished Professor of Capitalism, Western Carolina University
Anthony R. Lupo
Chairman and Professor of Soil, Environmental, and Atmospheric Science, University of Missouri
Ian S. Lustick
Bess W. Heyman Chair of Political Science and Director of Graduate Studies in the Political Science Department at the University of Pennsylvania
Douglas W. MacKenzie
Visiting Assistant Professor of Economics, U.S. Coast Guard Academy
Raymond J. March
Assistant Professor of Economics, Angelo State University
Stephen E. Margolis
Head, Department of Economics, North Carolina State University
J. Victor Marshall
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Adam G. Martin
Associate Professor of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Texas Tech University
Wendy McElroy
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Richard B. McKenzie
Walter B. Gerken Professor Emeritus of Enterprise and Society, Paul Merage School of Business, University of California, Irvine
Thomas Means
Professor of Economics and Director, Center for Economic Education, San Jose State University
Roger E. Meiners
John and Judy Goolsby and E.M. (Manny) Rosenthal Chair in Economics and Law, University of Texas, Arlington
John D. Merrifield
Professor of Economics, University of Texas, San Antonio
Robert J. Michaels
Professor Emeritus of Economics, California State University, Fullerton
Jeffrey A. Miron
Professor of Economics, Harvard University
Andrew P. Morriss
Dean and Anthony G. Buzbee Dean's Endowed Chairholder, Texas A&M University School of Law
Robert P. Murphy
Senior Economist, Institute for Energy Research
Vicki E. Murray
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
George W. Nicholson
Retired Associate Justice for the Court of Appeal, Third District, State of California
M. Scott Niederjohn
Professor of Economics and Director of the Free Enterprise Center at Concordia University Wisconsin
Randal OToole
Senior Economist, Thoreau Institute
Lee E. Ohanian
Professor of Economics and Director of the Ettinger Family Program in Macroeconomic Research, University of California, Los Angeles
Edward A. Olsen
Professor Emeritus of National Security Studies, Naval Postgraduate School
James R. Otteson
John T. Ryan Jr. Professor of Business Ethics, University of Notre Dame
Ernest C. Pasour, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Agricultural and Resource Economics, North Carolina State University
James L. Payne
Research Fellow at the Independent Institute and Director of Lytton Research and Analysis
Jeffrey J. Pompe
Nellie Cooke Sparrow Professor of Business, Professor of Economics, and Francis Marion University Trustee Research Scholar, Francis Marion University
Lawrence S. Powell
Culverhouse College of Commerce and Business Administration, University of Alabama
Linda C. Raeder
Professor of Politics, Palm Beach Atlantic University
R. David Ranson
President and Director of Research, HCWE & Company
Michael Reksulak
Director of Online Programs, George Mason Universitys Antonin Scalia Law School
Sheldon Richman
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
James R. Rinehart
Professor Emeritus of Economics, Francis Marion University
Paul Craig Roberts
Chairman, Institute of Political Economy; former Assistant Secretary for Economic Policy, U.S. Department of the Treasury
Gabriel Roth
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Paul H. Rubin
Samuel Candler Dobbs Professor of Economics, Emory University
Randal R. Rucker
Professor of Agricultural Economics and Economics, Montana State University
Matt E. Ryan
Assistant Professor of Economics, Duquesne University
Alexander William Salter
Associate Professor of Economics, Rawls College of Business and the Comparative Economics Research Fellow, Free Market Institute, Texas Tech University
Joan T. Schmit
American Family Insurance Chair in Risk Management and Insurance, University of Wisconsin, Madison
John Semmens
Laissez Faire Institute
Emily C. Skarbek
Associate Professor of Political Theory (Research), Political Theory Project and the Director of the Philosophy, Politics, and Economics Research Seminar, Brown University
Vernon L. Smith
Member of the Board of Advisors, Independent Institute; Nobel Laureate in Economic Sciences; Professor of Economics and Law, the George L. Argyros Endowed Chair in Finance and Economics, and the Founding Director of the Economic Science Institute at Chapman University
John W. Sommer
Knight Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Geography, University of North Carolina
Samuel R. Staley
Director, DeVoe L. Moore Center, College of Social Sciences, Florida State University
Edward P. Stringham
Kathryn Wasserman Davis Professor of Economic Organizations and Innovation and Deputy Director of the Shelby Cullom Davis Endowment, Trinity College
Joseph R. Stromberg
Independent Historian
Paul Sullivan
Professor of Economics, National Defense University
Scott Sumner
Professor of Economics, Bentley University
Shirley V. Svorny
Professor Emerita of Economics, California State University, Northridge
Charles Taliaferro
Professor of Philosophy, St. Olaf College
Eric R. Taylor
Marvin & Warren Boudreaux Professor of Chemistry, University of Louisiana at Lafayette
Peter A. Thiel
Founder and Managing Member, Clarium Capital Management, LLC
Mark Thornton
Senior Fellow, Ludwig von Mises Institute
Ronald L. Trowbridge
Policy Fellow
Charlotte Twight
Adjunct Fellow; Professor of Economics, Boise State University
Richard E. Wagner
Hobart R. Hobart Professor of Economics, George Mason University
William J. Watkins, Jr.
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Lawrence H. White
Professor of Economics, George Mason University
Lawrence J. White
Arthur E. Imperatore Professor of Economics, New York University
Douglas Glen Whitman
Associate Professor of Economics, California State University, Northridge
Ben Wilterdink
Research Fellow
Bruce Yandle
Alumni Distinguished Professor of Economics, Emeritus and Dean Emeritus, Clemson University
Ryan M. Yonk
Senior Research Faculty, American Institute for Economic Research
José Maria J. Yulo
Lecturer in Philosophy and Western Civilization, Academy of Art University
In Memoriam Research Fellows
George B. N. Ayittey
former President of the Free Africa Foundation and former Distinguished Economist in Residence in the Department of Economics at American University
Angelo M. Codevilla
Professor Emeritus of International Relations, Boston University
Robert H. Nelson
Professor of Environmental Policy, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland
former President of the Free Africa Foundation and former Distinguished Economist in Residence in the Department of Economics at American University
Angelo M. Codevilla
Professor Emeritus of International Relations, Boston University
Robert H. Nelson
Professor of Environmental Policy, School of Public Policy, University of Maryland
Gary Michael Anderson
Professor of Economics, California State University, Northridge
Wilfred Beckerman
Emeritus Fellow at Balliol College, Oxford University, England
James T. Bennett
Eminent Scholar, the William P. Snavely Chair of Political Economy and Public Policy, and Director of the John M. Olin Institute for Employment Practice and Policy, Department of Economics, George Mason University
Alan Day
Professor, London School of Economics
Anthony de Jasay
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
George W. Douglas
Economic Counsel, George W. Douglas and Company
Stephen P. Dresch
Former Dean, Michigan Technological University's School of Business and Engineering Administration
Antony G. N. Flew
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Reading, England
Fred E. Foldvary
Professor of Economics, Santa Clara University
Robert L. Formaini
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese
Late Eleanore Raoul Professor of Humanities, Emory University
Lowell E. Gallaway
Edwin and Ruth Kennedy Distinguished Professor of Economics, Ohio University
Bruce L. Gardner
Late Professor of Agriculture and Resource Economics, University of Maryland
William M. Gray
Late Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University (CSU), head of the Tropical Meteorology Project at CSU, and a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society
Ronald Hamowy
Emeritus Professor of History, University of Alberta, Canada
Jack Hirshleifer
Professor of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles
Peter W. Huber
Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute
M. Bruce Johnson
Founding Research Director, Independent Institute; Professor of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara
David L. Kaserman
late Torchmark Professor of Economics, Auburn University
Don B. Kates, Jr.
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Robert E. Keleher
Chief Macroeconomist, Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress
Deepak K. Lal
James S. Coleman Professor of International Development Studies, University of California at Los Angeles
Cotton M. Lindsay
Professor of Economics, Clemson University
Spencer Heath MacCallum
Director, Heather Foundation
Tibor R. Machan
Professor of Philosophy, Chapman University
William F. Marina
late Professor Emeritus in History at Florida Atlantic University
Fred S. McChesney
de la Cruz-Mentschikoff Endowed Chair in Law and Economics, University of Miami
Paul W. McCracken
Edmund Ezra Day Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, Economics, and Public Policy, University of Michigan; former Chairman, President's Council of Economic Advisors
Patrick J. Michaels
Senior Fellow, Center for Energy and Environment, Competitive Enterprise Institute
William C. Mitchell
Emeritus Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon
Herbert Mohring
Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota
Cassandra Chrones Moore
Former Adjunct Fellow, Independent Institute
Mike M. Moore
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
William A. Niskanen
Chairman Emeritus and Distinguished Senior Economist, Cato Institute; former Acting Chairman, Presidents Council of Economics Advisers
Carl A. Pescosolido, Jr.
President, Sequoia Enterprises
Ralph Raico
Professor Emeritus of History, Buffalo State College
William Ratliff
Research Fellow and Curator of the Americas Collection at the Hoover Institution
Nicholas Rescher
University Professor of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh
Murray N. Rothbard
S. J. Hall Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Simon Rottenberg
Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Massachusetts
Charles K. Rowley
Professor of Economics at George Mason University; Director of the Program in Economics, Politics and the Law, James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy; and General Director of The Locke Institute
Jordan A. Schwarz
Professor of History, Northern Illinois University
Larry J. Sechrest
Professor of Economics, Sul Ross State University
Frederick Seitz
President Emeritus of Rockefeller University and former President of the National Academy of Sciences
Perry Shapiro
Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of California at Santa Barbara
Bernard H. Siegan
Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of San Diego
Julian L. Simon
Professor of Business Administration, University of Maryland
S. Fred Singer
Professor Emeritus of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
Robert B. Stinnett
Author, Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor
Richard L. Stroup
Emeritus Professor of Economics, North Carolina State University; Professor of Economics, Montana State University
Edward C. Sullivan
Professor of Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University
Richard H. Timberlake, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Georgia
Robert D. Tollison
J. Wilson Newman Professor of Economics and BB&T Senior Fellow at Clemson University
William Tucker
Gordon Tullock
University Professor of Law and Economics and Distinguished Research Fellow, George Mason University
John T. Wenders
Professor of Economics, University of Idaho
Aaron B. Wildavsky
Class of 1940 Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley
Zeev Wurman
Chief Software Architect, MonolithIC 3D Inc.
Leland B. Yeager
Ludwig von Mises Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics, Auburn University
Professor of Economics, California State University, Northridge
Wilfred Beckerman
Emeritus Fellow at Balliol College, Oxford University, England
James T. Bennett
Eminent Scholar, the William P. Snavely Chair of Political Economy and Public Policy, and Director of the John M. Olin Institute for Employment Practice and Policy, Department of Economics, George Mason University
Alan Day
Professor, London School of Economics
Anthony de Jasay
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
George W. Douglas
Economic Counsel, George W. Douglas and Company
Stephen P. Dresch
Former Dean, Michigan Technological University's School of Business and Engineering Administration
Antony G. N. Flew
Professor Emeritus of Philosophy, University of Reading, England
Fred E. Foldvary
Professor of Economics, Santa Clara University
Robert L. Formaini
Elizabeth Fox-Genovese
Late Eleanore Raoul Professor of Humanities, Emory University
Lowell E. Gallaway
Edwin and Ruth Kennedy Distinguished Professor of Economics, Ohio University
Bruce L. Gardner
Late Professor of Agriculture and Resource Economics, University of Maryland
William M. Gray
Late Emeritus Professor of Atmospheric Science at Colorado State University (CSU), head of the Tropical Meteorology Project at CSU, and a Fellow of the American Meteorological Society
Ronald Hamowy
Emeritus Professor of History, University of Alberta, Canada
Jack Hirshleifer
Professor of Economics, University of California, Los Angeles
Peter W. Huber
Senior Fellow, Manhattan Institute
M. Bruce Johnson
Founding Research Director, Independent Institute; Professor of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara
David L. Kaserman
late Torchmark Professor of Economics, Auburn University
Don B. Kates, Jr.
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
Robert E. Keleher
Chief Macroeconomist, Joint Economic Committee, U.S. Congress
Deepak K. Lal
James S. Coleman Professor of International Development Studies, University of California at Los Angeles
Cotton M. Lindsay
Professor of Economics, Clemson University
Spencer Heath MacCallum
Director, Heather Foundation
Tibor R. Machan
Professor of Philosophy, Chapman University
William F. Marina
late Professor Emeritus in History at Florida Atlantic University
Fred S. McChesney
de la Cruz-Mentschikoff Endowed Chair in Law and Economics, University of Miami
Paul W. McCracken
Edmund Ezra Day Distinguished University Professor Emeritus of Business Administration, Economics, and Public Policy, University of Michigan; former Chairman, President's Council of Economic Advisors
Patrick J. Michaels
Senior Fellow, Center for Energy and Environment, Competitive Enterprise Institute
William C. Mitchell
Emeritus Professor of Political Science, University of Oregon
Herbert Mohring
Professor of Economics, University of Minnesota
Cassandra Chrones Moore
Former Adjunct Fellow, Independent Institute
Mike M. Moore
Research Fellow, Independent Institute
William A. Niskanen
Chairman Emeritus and Distinguished Senior Economist, Cato Institute; former Acting Chairman, Presidents Council of Economics Advisers
Carl A. Pescosolido, Jr.
President, Sequoia Enterprises
Ralph Raico
Professor Emeritus of History, Buffalo State College
William Ratliff
Research Fellow and Curator of the Americas Collection at the Hoover Institution
Nicholas Rescher
University Professor of Philosophy, University of Pittsburgh
Murray N. Rothbard
S. J. Hall Distinguished Professor of Economics, University of Nevada, Las Vegas
Simon Rottenberg
Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Massachusetts
Charles K. Rowley
Professor of Economics at George Mason University; Director of the Program in Economics, Politics and the Law, James M. Buchanan Center for Political Economy; and General Director of The Locke Institute
Jordan A. Schwarz
Professor of History, Northern Illinois University
Larry J. Sechrest
Professor of Economics, Sul Ross State University
Frederick Seitz
President Emeritus of Rockefeller University and former President of the National Academy of Sciences
Perry Shapiro
Emeritus Professor of Economics, University of California at Santa Barbara
Bernard H. Siegan
Distinguished Professor of Law at the University of San Diego
Julian L. Simon
Professor of Business Administration, University of Maryland
S. Fred Singer
Professor Emeritus of Environmental Sciences, University of Virginia
Robert B. Stinnett
Author, Day of Deceit: The Truth about FDR and Pearl Harbor
Richard L. Stroup
Emeritus Professor of Economics, North Carolina State University; Professor of Economics, Montana State University
Edward C. Sullivan
Professor of Civil Engineering, California State Polytechnic University
Richard H. Timberlake, Jr.
Professor Emeritus of Economics, University of Georgia
Robert D. Tollison
J. Wilson Newman Professor of Economics and BB&T Senior Fellow at Clemson University
William Tucker
Gordon Tullock
University Professor of Law and Economics and Distinguished Research Fellow, George Mason University
John T. Wenders
Professor of Economics, University of Idaho
Aaron B. Wildavsky
Class of 1940 Professor of Political Science and Public Policy, University of California, Berkeley
Zeev Wurman
Chief Software Architect, MonolithIC 3D Inc.
Leland B. Yeager
Ludwig von Mises Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Economics, Auburn University