2010 Templeton Freedom Awards for Excellence in Promoting Liberty
- Winner: Free Market Solutions to Poverty
In 2008, the Independent Institute uncovered compelling evidence of the entrepreneurial energy that is the true catalyst of economic progress. In this book Alvaro Vargas Llosa and a select group of economists examined real world examples of successful entrepreneurship. They argue that instead of distributing wealth, developing countries should work to create it. The book examines the business strategies that have enabled individuals with very little means except a wealth of vision and tenacity, to flourish beyond all reasonable expectations. The story-telling style of the book and its effective way of connecting with the general public increases its appeal.

2009 Independent Publisher Book Awards (IPPY Awards)
- Silver Medal Winner in Science
2009 IBPA Benjamin Franklin Awards
- Winner in Political/Current Events

Robert Higgs, Senior Fellow in Political Economy and Editor of The Independent Review at the Independent Institute, received the 2007 Gary G. Schlarbaum Prize for his pioneering work revealing how government grows and usurps liberty by exploiting fears in order to expand its power at the behest of special interests. Acceptance speech by Dr. Higgs.

Robert Higgs, Senior Fellow in Political Economy and Editor of The Independent Review, received the Thomas S. Szasz Award for his pioneering work revealing how government grows and usurps liberty by exploiting fears in order to expand its power at the behest of special interests. The award was presented at a special reception and forum hosted by the Independent Institute in Oakland, Calif. News Release

Peter Shaw Memorial Award for 2006, Awarded by the National Association of Scholars to Research Fellow Donald A. Downs, Professor of Political Science, University of Wisconsin; author of Restoring Free Speech and Liberty on Campus.

The 2006 Freedom Award for Brave Defense of Liberty was awarded by the Fundacion Atlas in Buenos Aires, Argentina to Research Analyst Gabriel Gasave for his permanent contribution to the defense of liberty.

Alvaro Vargas Llosa, Senior Fellow and Director of the Center on Global Prosperity at the Independent Institute, was presented with the First Annual Juan Bautista Alberdi Award, by the Hispanic American Center for Economic Research (HACER). The award was presented at the Mt. Pelerin conference in Guatemala City.

The Lysander Spooner Award for Advancing the Literature of Liberty was awarded twice by The Center for Libertarian Thought to Robert Higgs, Senior Fellow in Political Economy at the Independent Institute. Bestowed monthly to honor the most important contributions to the literature of liberty, the award is named for the 19th century constitutional lawyer, abolitionist, and author, Lysander Spooner, who also earned acclaim for starting the first private postal service in the United States, challenging the government's monopoly of the mails and forcing the Post Office to drastically reduce the price of postage.

Robert Higgs, Senior Fellow in Political Economy at the Independent Institute was awarded the Friedrich von Wieser Memorial Prize for Excellence in Economic Education by the Liberal Institute, Prague, Czech Republic.

Senior Fellow Bruce L. Benson was awarded the Adam Smith Award (2006) the highest award presented by the Association of Private Enterprise Education (APEE).

2008 Sir Antony Fisher International Memorial Award
- Winner in Established Institutes Category
2017 Planetizen Top 10 Books List
- Member of the Top 10 in Urban Planning, Design, and Development Community

2006 Peter Shaw Memorial Award (National Association of Scholars)
- Winner
2013 Jeane J. Kirkpatrick Academic Freedom Award (Lynde and Harry Bradley Foundation)
- Winner
2014 Hilldale Award in the Social Studies (University of Wisconsin)
- Winner

Ivan Eland was awarded the Medal of the President of the Italian Republic by President of the Pio Manzù Research Centre, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Vice-President and Special Advisor to the UN Secretary-General, Giandomenico Picco at the 30th Pio Manzù International Conference in Rimini, Italy, October 1618, 2004.
Director of the Center on Peace & Liberty of the Independent Institute, Oakland, California, Ivan Eland is one of the USAs leading experts on foreign policy, security and defense.... His knowledge of the most recent American choices in terms of military strategy makes him one of the worlds best-informed experts on White House foreign and military policy. He has written numerous studies on strategy and foreign policy, including his new book, The Empire Has No Clothes: U.S. Foreign Policy Exposed, in which he questions the historical and theoretical assumptions on which the current U.S. interventionist foreign policy is based. To Ivan Eland goes the wholehearted recognition of all those seeking to comprehend the origins and the significance of the political decisions of our times in terms of war and peace.
Mikhail Gorbachev

Awarded to Independent Institute Senior Fellow Alvaro Vargas Llosa for his work as a writer and distinguished journalist:
The Organization of Ibero-American Journalists (OPI), whose purpose is the defense of the freedom of expression, the preservation of human rights and the professional advancement of Ibero-American journalists, has unanimously agreed to grant you the Freedom of the Press Award in recognition for your well-known and distinguished career, sustained by sound ethical principles. Full Presentation