Contact Information
The Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621-1428
Phone (510) 632-1366
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Email Inquiries, Comments, Suggestions, and Website Feedback
Robert Ade
Director of Media Relations
(510) 635-3690
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Development Manager
(510) 632-1366 x.149
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Director of Sales
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Independent publishes Working Papers submitted by our fellows or outside writers in order to help disseminate, discuss, and improve important ideas consistent with Independent’s mission. To submit a paper for consideration, please email your paper's abstract and your institutional affiliation to Independent Institute Distinguished Research Advisor and Senior Fellow William F. Shughart II.
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(510) 632-1366
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Beginning June 1, 2025, Independent Institute books will be distributed by Simon & Schuster. Titles publishing after June 1 can be preordered now.
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The Independent Review is distributed to newsstands and bookstores by J.M. Cappello Associates.
Map and Directions to the Independent Institute
Oakland, California Headquarters
Independent Institute
100 Swan Way
Oakland, CA 94621-1428
If coming from the North on 880:
- Take the HEGENBERGER ROAD exit towards COLISEUM/OAKLAND AIRPORT - go 0.3 mi
- Turn Right on HEGENBERGER RD - go 0.9 mi
- Turn Right on DOOLITTLE DR - go 0.4 mi
- Turn Right on SWAN WAY - go 0.2 mi
If coming from the South on 880:
- Take the 98TH AVENUE exit towards OAKLAND AIRPORT
- Go West on 98TH AVE for 0.8 mi
- Turn Left on AIRPORT DR - go 0.2 mi
- Turn Right on DOOLITTLE DR - go 0.5 mi
- Turn Right on SWAN WAY - go 0.2 mi