Gary D. Libecap: The Independent Institute

The Power of Independent Thinking

Gary D. Libecap
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Gary D. Libecap
Gary D. Libecap is a Contributing Editor of the Independent Institute’s quarterly journal The Independent Review and the Donald Bren Distinguished Professor of Corporate Environmental Management, Bren School of Environmental Science and Management and Department of Economics, University of California, Santa Barbara. He also is a Research Associate, National Bureau of Economic Research and a Research Fellow, Hoover Institution. Professor Libecap received his M.A. and Ph.D. from the University of Pennsylvania and B.A. from the University of Montana, and he has been President of the Economic History Association, Western Economics Association International, and International Society for the New Institutional Economics.

His books include Owens Valley Revisited: A Reassessment of the West’s First Great Water Transfer, Public Choice Essays in Honor of a Maverick Scholar: Gordon Tullock (with P. Fishback and E. Zajac), Titles, Conflict and Land Use: The Development of Property Rights and Land Reform on the Brazilian Amazon Frontier (with L. Alston and B. Mueller) The Federal Civil Service System and the Problem of Bureaucracy: The Economics and Politics of Institutional Change (with R. Johnson), The Political Economy of Regulation: An Historical Analysis of Government and the Economy (with C. Goldin), Contracting for Property Rights, Locking Up the Range: Federal Land Use Controls and Grazing, and The Evolution of Private Mining Rights: Nevada's Comstock Lode.