Andrew N. Kleit is Professor of Energy and Environmental Economics and MICASU Faculty Fellow in Energy, Environmental and Mineral Economics at Pennsylvania State University; a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute; and editor of the Independent book, Electric Choices: Deregulation and the Future of Electric Power. Having received his Ph.D. at the Yale University, Professor Kleit has also held faculty positions at Louisiana State University and Yale University. He has been Staff Economist, Presidents Council of Economic Advisers, and Economist, Division of Economic Policy Analysis, Bureau of Economics, Federal Trade Commission.
Professor Kleits other books include Electricity Restructuring: The Texas Story (with Lynne Kiesling), Customer Choice, Competition Policy Enforcement: The Economics of the Antitrust Process (with Malcolm B. Coate) and Disentangling Regulatory Policy: The Effects of State Regulations on Trucking Rates (with Timothy Daniel). A contributor to numerous scholarly volumes, his articles have appeared in Applied Economics, Health Economics, Review of Economics and Statistics Resource and Energy Economics, Review of Industrial Organization, Journal of Law and Economics, Energy Journal, Economic Inquiry, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Journal of Regulatory Economics, Managerial and Decision Economics, Research in Law and Economics, Southern Economic Journal, and Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics.