Carlos Alberto Montaner (19432023) was a Member of the Board of Advisors for the Center on Global Prosperity at the Independent Institute and President of Firmas Press.
Mr. Montaner began his work as a journalist and columnist and in the 1980s, and he began a weekly television commentary that was aired by satellite throughout Latin America. In 1980, he received the ABC prize for journalism and he has been a member of the editorial board for the Miami Herald and editor of the opinion page of El Nuevo Herald. In 1992, the Liberal International named Montaner a vice president. In 1999, Montaner received the Premio de Periodismo de la Fundación Independiente and the Medalla de la Cultura de Puerto Rico. In the same year he was the recipient of a Premio América award by the de Centro Interamericano Gerencia Política.
His books include Manual del Perfecto Idiota Latinoamericano; Fabricantes de miseria; No perdamos también el siglo XXI; Viaje al corazón de Cuba; Las raíces torcidas de América Latina; América Latina y la cultura occidental; La libertad y sus enemigos; Las columnas de la libertad; El regreso del idiota; Cómo y por qué cayó el comuunismo; Libertad, la clave de la prosperidad; and Cuba hoy: la lenta muerte del castrismo; Fidel Castro y la revolución cubana; La agonía de América; 1898: La trama; Perromundo; Los combatientes; Galdós humorista; Póker de brujas; and Instantáneas al borde del abismo.