Renuka Sane: The Independent Institute

The Power of Independent Thinking

Renuka Sane
Renuka Sane

Renuka Sane is an Associate Professor at the National Institute of Public Finance and Policy in Delhi, India and past President of the Economics Research Students’ Association (UNSW).

Her article, “Annuity markets in India: Do consumers get their money’s worth?” (with Estelle James) appeared in Economic and Political Weekly, and she has been Research Intern at the Australian Prudential Regulation Authority, Consultant for the Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy in India, Researcher for the Committee on Financial Sector Reforms, and Research Associate at the Invest India Economic Foundation.

She is the recipient of such awards as the Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship from The Tokyo Foundation, Dean’s Award for Service at the Australian School of Business (UNSW), and New Zealand Econometric Study Group Research Award from the University of Auckland.

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