Sheldon Richman is a Research Fellow at the Independent Institute. For 15 years he was editor of The Freeman, published by the Foundation for Economic Education. Former Vice President at the Future of Freedom Foundation, he is the author of America's Counter-Revolution: The Constitution Revisited, Separating School & State: How to Liberate Americas Families, Your Money or Your Life: Why We Must Abolish the Income Tax, and Tethered Citizens: Time to Repeal the Welfare State.
Mr. Richmans articles on economics, foreign policy, population issues, federal disaster assistance, international trade, education, the environment, American history, privacy, computers, and the Middle East have appeared in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal, American Scholar, Chicago Tribune, USA Today, Washington Times, Christian Science Monitor, The Independent Review, Insight, Cato Policy Report, Journal of Economic Development, The World & I, Reason, Washington Report on Middle East Affairs, Middle East Policy, Liberty, and other publications. He is a contributor to the Concise Encyclopedia of Economics. A former newspaper reporter and senior editor at the Cato Institute and Institute for Humane Studies at George Mason University, Mr. Richman is a graduate of Temple University in Philadelphia.