Peter J. Hill is the George F. Benett Professor Emeritus of Economics at Wheaton College, Senior Fellow at the Property and Environment Research Center, and a member of the Board of Advisors for the Center on Culture and Civil Society at the Independent Institute. He received his Ph.D. in economics from the University of Chicago.
Professor Hill and agricultural business entrepreneur Carl A. Pescosolido, Jr., were sent by The Independent Institute to Bulgaria after the collapse of the Soviet Union to prepare studies on creating economic and environmental welfare by privatizing and marketizing Bulgarian natural resources and agriculture. Their subsequent reports were unanimously adopted by the then new Bulgarian parliament.
A contributor both to many scholarly journals and popular publications, his books include The Not So Wild, Wild West (with Terry Anderson), Who Owns the Environment? (edited with Roger Meiners), The Birth of a Transfer Society, and Eco-Sanity: A Common Sense Guide to Environmentalism (with Joseph Bast and Richard Rue). In addition, he is the editor with Terry L. Anderson of the books, Water Marketing: The Next Generation, The Technology of Property Rights, The Privatization Process:A Worldwide Perspective, Wildlife in the Marketplace, The Political Economy of the American West, and Environmental Federalism.