In addition to his acclaimed Independent Institute book, Private Rights and Public Illusions, his many authored books include Ancient, Modern & Contemporary Individualism; Influential Political Systems and Philosophers in History; Rebellion in Print; The Normative Defense of Free Market Capitalism; Did the Free Market Cause the Financial Fiasco?; Philosophy with Meaning; Why Everyone Else is Wrong; Equality, So Badly Misunderstood; The Promise of Liberty: A Non-utopian Vision; The Georgia Lectures; The Right Road to Radical Freedom; The Morality of Business: A Profession for Wealthcare; Libertarianism Defended; Revisiting Marxism: A Bourgeois Reassessment; Libertarianism, For and Against (with C. Duncan); The Man Without a Hobby; Objectivity: Recovering Determinate Reality; Neither Left nor Right, Selected Columns; Putting Humans First, Why We Are Natures Favorites; The Passion for Liberty; A Primer on Business Ethics (with J. Chesher);Initiative: Human Agency and Society; Ayn Rand; The Business of Commerce (with J. Chesher); Classical Individualism; Generosity: Virtue in the Civil Society; Why Freedom Must be First; A Primer on Ethics; The Virtue of Liberty; Capitalism and Individualism: Reframing the Argument for the Free Society; A Dialogue Partly on Political Liberty (with J. N. Nelson); Liberty and Culture: Essays on the Idea of a Free Society; Individuals and Their Rights; The Moral Case for the Free Market Economy; Freedom Philosophy; Introduction to Philosophical Inquiries; Human Rights and Human Liberties; and The Pseudo-Science of B.F. Skinner.
His edited books include Anarchism/Minarchism (with R. Long); Ayn Rand at 100; Liberty & Justice; Liberty and R&D; Liberty & Equality; Liberty & Democracy; Liberty and Hard Cases; Individual Rights Reconsidered; The Commons: Its Tragedy and Other Follies; Morality & Work; Education in a Free Society; Business Ethics in the Global Market; Political Philosophy: Essential Selections (with A. Skoble); Liberty for the 21st Century (with D. B. Rasmussen); Commerce and Morality; The Main Debate: Communism vs. Capitalism; Recent Work in Philosophy (with K. G. Lucey); Rights and Regulation (with M. Bruce Johnson); The Libertarian Reader; and The Libertarian Alternative.
Professor Machan was a contributing author to ninety volumes and the author of 163 articles in scholarly journals, and his extensive popular writings appeared in numerous magazines, newspapers, and websites.