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Art Carden » Commentary Articles

Don’t Feel Bad About Using the Self Checkout
July 19, 2019

The Capitalist Achievement of Recorded Music
July 18, 2019

To Help Women, Should We Boycott Women’s Soccer?
July 15, 2019

Should We Cap Credit Card Interest Rates at 15%?
July 15, 2019

There Is No One Answer to Rule Them All
July 13, 2019

Are Intelligent Machines Coming for Your Job and Your Wages?
July 11, 2019

Consumers Say ‘End of the Road’ for Volkswagen’s Iconic Beetle
July 10, 2019

Why I Am Not a Socialist
July 10, 2019

The Most Brilliant Economic Journalist Who Ever Lived: A Birthday Appreciation of Frederic Bastiat
July 2, 2019

Thomas Sowell: A Birthday Appreciation
July 1, 2019

Should We Get Rid of the Mortgage Interest Deduction?
June 29, 2019

If Student Loans Might Be Canceled, Why Not Borrow More?
June 28, 2019

In Defense of Blowouts: People Respond to Incentives, Even on the Soccer Field
June 17, 2019

Semi-Random Thoughts on the Passing Scene
May 31, 2019

We’re All ‘These People’ to Someone Else
May 30, 2019

I Left My Kids in the Car Alone for a Few Minutes. You Won’t Believe What Happened Next.
May 29, 2019

Read Hayek as if Your Children’s Lives Depend on It
May 13, 2019

Ayn Rand’s ‘The Fountainhead’ Shows Us that There’s More to Life Than Money
May 8, 2019

Who Pays for Tariffs and Trade Restrictions? Consumers Do.
April 23, 2019

Money Is a Humane Technology
April 10, 2019

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless