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John C. Goodman » Commentary Articles

Has The New York Times Become a Democratic Party Newspaper?
February 25, 2016

Obamacare in the Workplace: Fewer Hours, Lower Incomes and Less Health Insurance
February 16, 2016

Bernie Sanders Is Not a Social Democrat; He’s a Marxist
February 15, 2016

Krugman Recants on Healthcare; The Left Is Apoplectic
February 15, 2016

Relief of Poverty: Four Centuries of Futility
February 8, 2016

The US Is Rationing Life-Saving Drugs
February 7, 2016

Almost Everything You’ve Been Told About Inequality Is Wrong
February 6, 2016

Let Employers Decide How Health Insurance Should Be Subsidized at Work
February 1, 2016

Democrats’ Healthcare Debate: Clinton and Sanders Are Both Wrong
January 25, 2016

Why Are Some People Healthier than Others?
January 25, 2016

One Hospital Tells You What You Will Have to Pay—Before the Surgery
January 21, 2016

Why Are Hospital Prices So Crazy? Hint: The Hospitals May Not Be at Fault
January 18, 2016

What You Need to Know about “The Big Short”
December 31, 2015

Obamacare Taxes on the Poor and the Middle Class Held at Bay
December 28, 2015

AEI Health Plan: Many Good Ideas, but Some Missed Opportunities
December 21, 2015

The Biggest Threat to Obamacare Is Already Written into Law: No Insurance Industry Bailouts
December 17, 2015

How Much Should We Spend on Patients at the End of Their Lives?
December 10, 2015

Is Liberalism Good for Poor People?
December 7, 2015

What Hillary Clinton Doesn’t Understand About Healthcare
December 2, 2015

How the Left Thinks about the War on Terror
November 28, 2015

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