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John C. Goodman » Commentary Articles

What Should We Do About Expensive Drugs?
November 25, 2015

What Barack Obama and the Democratic Party Can Learn from the Co-Op Failures
November 23, 2015

What Everyone Should Know About Rationing By Waiting
November 16, 2015

Three Excellent Ideas from Jeb Bush: Liberate Two-Earner Couples and Liberate the Elderly
November 13, 2015

Obamacare Premium Hikes Much Higher Than We’ve Been Told
November 11, 2015

Is Your Home Your Castle? You Wish.
November 11, 2015

Ideal Health Policy: First Do No Harm
November 7, 2015

Race To The Bottom: Competition In The Exchanges
November 2, 2015

What Republicans Should Be Doing: Holding Hearings On Obamacare
October 30, 2015

The Employer Mandate Is Having No Effect on the Percent with Health Insurance at Work
October 29, 2015

Why Making a Profit in Health Care Is Good
October 28, 2015

The Jeb Bush Health Plan: Five Ways It Differs From What Obama’s Done
October 20, 2015

How Government Regulation Is Undermining Mental Health Care
October 19, 2015

California’s New Law Advances the Right to Die with Dignity
October 16, 2015

Is Obamacare Good for the Middle Class?
October 15, 2015

Are High Deductibles a Good Thing or a Bad Thing?
October 14, 2015

Why Is There Global Poverty?
October 12, 2015

Why Not Just Get Rid of Labor Law?
October 12, 2015

What Should Be Next for the GOP: An Alternative to Obama Policies
October 6, 2015

Jeb Bush vs. Paul Krugman: What Do Economists Know About Regulation?
October 5, 2015

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless