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Ivan Eland » Commentary Articles

Lessons From Obama’s War in Libya
July 14, 2015

Say ‘No’ to Greek Financial Irresponsibility
July 6, 2015

Let Greece Leave the Eurozone
June 30, 2015

Turmoil in the Middle East Seems Constant, and U.S. Military Intervention Only Makes It Worse
June 22, 2015

The Next President’s Foreign Policy: Likely the Same Overextended American Empire
June 15, 2015

Continued G-7 Sanctions Against Russia, but Does Russia Have a Perspective?
June 9, 2015

Freedom from the PATRIOT Act
June 1, 2015

Hard Truths about Iraq
May 28, 2015

Tell the Rich Persian Gulf States to ‘Go Fish’
May 18, 2015

What Americans Should Learn from the British Election
May 11, 2015

Republicans Should Finally Abandon Benghazi and Talk about Hillary’s Other Foibles
May 6, 2015

Wars Rarely Advance Freedom: Baltimore Riot Hints that Applies Even to the Civil War
April 27, 2015

Congress’s Charade with the Iran Nuclear Agreement
April 20, 2015

Yemen: Another Failed U.S. Military Intervention
April 13, 2015

Obama’s Nuclear Agreement with Iran Is a Good One, but Issues Remain
April 6, 2015

Some Form of Formal Partititoning Is Still the Answer for Iraq
March 30, 2015

The United States Could Learn from Its British Ally
March 23, 2015

Republicans’ Letter to Iran Violates at Least the Spirit of the Constitution
March 16, 2015

Allies Against Islamism in the Mideast Could Learn from the Fight in Nigeria
March 9, 2015

The U.S. Government Is Making the Problem of Islamist Extremism Worse
February 23, 2015

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