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Ivan Eland » Commentary Articles

U.S. Defense Policy: Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff
March 3, 2014

North Korea Abuses Human Rights: Tell Us Something We Don’t Already Know
February 24, 2014

Religious Freedom—Lead by Example
February 17, 2014

Intelligence Chief’s Histrionics Hide Downgrade in Terrorist Threat
February 6, 2014

Why Obama Cares More About the Feelings of Foreign Leaders than Safeguarding Americans’ Constitutional Rights
January 27, 2014

Gates Memoirs Illustrate How Militaristic the U.S. Has Become
January 15, 2014

Obama Should Be Careful of a Slippery Slope Back into Iraq
January 9, 2014

Stop the Army From Copying Marines’ Missions
January 6, 2014

Ignore Saudi and Israeli Goading for a More Muscular U.S. Mideast Policy
December 30, 2013

Bipartisan Budget Agreement Doesn’t Make Partisan Bickering Look So Bad
December 18, 2013

Stay Out of Petty Island Disputes in East Asia
December 11, 2013

Call Hamid Karzai’s Bluff
December 4, 2013

The Real Reason Hawks Are Trying to Kill the Interim Nuclear Agreement with Iran
December 2, 2013

On the 50th Anniversary of JFK’s Assassination, Let’s Examine His True Legacy
November 13, 2013

A Slippery Slope Back Into Iraq?
November 11, 2013

Feinstein Cares More about Appeasing Allied Governments than Standing Up for Americans’ Rights
November 6, 2013

As in Iraq, Completely Withdraw US Forces from Afghanistan
October 25, 2013

Turkey’s Arms Purchase Should Jolt U.S. Alliance Policies
October 23, 2013

We Don’t Need More ‘Spin’ About NSA’s Unconstitutional Domestic Snooping, We Need It Stopped
October 18, 2013

The United States Has Made Its Bed in Somalia and Libya
October 11, 2013

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