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Ivan Eland » Commentary Articles

The Time to Stop Coddling Saudi Arabia Is Now
September 17, 2020

TikTok of the Election Clock Explains Trump’s Actions Against China
August 10, 2020

Why Blockading Would Have Been Better than Bombing Japan
August 7, 2020

U.S. Aircraft Carriers ‘Exercising’ in the South China Sea Could Spell Danger
July 16, 2020

One Cheer for Trump’s Troop Withdrawal from Germany
June 12, 2020

Tom Cotton Leads Way to Confrontation with China
May 18, 2020

Impeachment Is Over; Now the Framers’ Vision Is in the Hands of the Voters
February 24, 2020

Trump Should Get Out of NATO Now, But Nicely
February 22, 2020

Trump Is Working in a Continuation of a Long and Dangerous Trend
February 3, 2020

Has Trump Started a War with Iran He Cannot Win?
January 10, 2020

2019: A Year of More Useless Deployments to the Middle East
December 19, 2019

Should We Really Be Shocked that the Government Lied to Us about the Afghan War?
December 16, 2019

Washington Elites Are Chaining Us to the Middle East
November 6, 2019

The Right Move Done the Wrong Way
October 16, 2019

How Did We Come to Have a Rogue Presidency?
October 4, 2019

Don’t Sweat the Saudi Oil Disruption
September 18, 2019

Take the Deal, President Trump. Eighteen Years Is Enough. It’s Time to Leave Afghanistan.
August 22, 2019

The President and Congress Are Fiscal Swamp Monsters
August 8, 2019

Trump Rolls the Dice on Sanctions and Wins...War?
July 18, 2019

A Parade of Imperial Presidencies
June 18, 2019

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