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William F. Shughart II » Commentary Articles

We Should End Tax Giveaways to Electric Vehicle Owners
March 4, 2019

Time Is Now to Ratify USMCA, Shore Up North American Trade
February 15, 2019

Banning Flavored Tobacco and Vaping Products Does More Harm Than Good
January 30, 2019

ANWR Will Assure US Oil Production Dominance
January 24, 2019

Who Pays for a Carbon Tax? No One Knows—That’s the Problem
December 17, 2018

America’s Increasingly Fragile Electric Grid
December 14, 2018

CAFE Standards vs. Economics
October 19, 2018

Daylight Saving Time Costs More Than It’s Worth
October 15, 2018

The Moratorium on Soda Taxes Puts California on the Right Track
August 17, 2018

Replacements for Plastic Straws Have Their Own Problems
August 9, 2018

How Banning Plastic Straws Could Make Pollution Even Worse
July 16, 2018

SURPRISE! Banning Styrofoam Creates All Kinds of Problems Including Environmental Ones
May 23, 2018

Russia’s ‘Keep It in the Ground’ Ploy to Stifle American Oil
April 23, 2018

For Many, Tax Day Will Be a Bit Less Gloomy
April 13, 2018

Tariffs and Econ 101
April 11, 2018

Assessing Tax Reform
March 21, 2018

Turn Back the Clock on Daylight Saving Time
March 8, 2018

If You Want to Keep Fossil Fuels in the Ground, You Support a Form of Economic Self-Destruction
February 6, 2018

Paying More at the Pump Will Not Fix California’s Roads if Politicians Keep Raiding the Gas-Tax Fund
January 5, 2018

Regulatory Hurdles Are Hampering Natural Gas Exports
November 17, 2017

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