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William F. Shughart II » Commentary Articles

Philadelphia’s Proposed Soda Tax Is Government Manipulation
May 13, 2016

Obama Gas Tax Is Poorly Timed
April 8, 2016

Obama’s Energy Doctrine Is Proving Disastrous
April 4, 2016

Highway Death Tolls Will Skyrocket as 54.5 MPG Standard Takes Effect
March 22, 2016

Climate Activism Interferes with Responsible Public Pension Fund Management
March 18, 2016

Hot Dogs, Salads and Rent Seeking
March 14, 2016

Soda Taxes Morally, Ethically Bankrupt
March 7, 2016

Jan. 16, 1920: Another Day That Should Live in Infamy
January 18, 2016

Recycling Makes Greens Go Gaga, but It’s a Real Burden for the Rest of Us
December 28, 2015

Washington’s Holiday To-Do List Should Include Crude Oil Exports Policy Reform
December 16, 2015

Don’t Renew Export-Import Bank to Protect U.S. Business
December 7, 2015

The Atomic Age and Limited Liability for Nuclear Accidents
November 23, 2015

TVA’s New Nuke Plant Shows How Regulation Stifles Clean Energy
November 19, 2015

Bill Gates On Climate Policy: More Hot Air
November 14, 2015

Symbolic Gesture On Coal Will Ding California Pension Funds
November 4, 2015

Next President Must Embrace Brave New World of Oil and Gas
October 28, 2015

Thank the Shale Revolution for Revitalizing U.S. Manufacturing
September 18, 2015

Berkeley’s Soda Tax Loses Its Fizz but Offers Important Lessons
September 14, 2015

The ‘Clean Power Plan’ Still Blocks Expansion of Nuke-Generated Electricity
September 4, 2015

Obamacare’s Tanning Tax Causes a Slow Burn
September 1, 2015

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