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Public Health vs. The Nanny State?
Thursday, October 26, 2000

Thomas J. DiLorenzo
Professor of Economics, Loyola College of Maryland; Author, FROM PATHOLOGY TO POLITICS: Public Health in America
Barely a day goes by without some news of the latest public health “threat.” Serious health hazards, we are told, lurk around every corner—in water supplies, air, soil, beverages, fast food, second-hand smoke, and food irradiation, just to name a handful. And yet, Americans today live longer than ever! Are markets and private decision-making providing the answers? Or are these dangers real, immediate, and a legitimate mandate for new government regulation? Can we eliminate health risks without government controls? How does politics distort perceptions about public health? Will Americans succumb to or rebel against the growing Nanny State’s neo-puritanism and attack on individual choice and responsibility? Jacob Sullum and Thomas DiLorenzo discussed these timely and important issues.

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