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Technology Innovation
Competitors, Predators and Antitrust
Thursday, April 16, 1998

Westin San Francisco Airport Hotel, Millbrae, California

Timothy F. Bresnahan
* Professor of Economics at Stanford University
* Co-Director of the Stanford Computer Industry Project and the Technology and Economic Growth Program
* Co-Editor of the RAND Journal of Economics
* Author of over fifty scholarly articles and reviews as well as the book, The Empirical Renaissance in Industrial Economics
Stan J. Liebowitz
* Associate Dean & Professor of Managerial Economics at the University of Texas at Dallas
* Author of numerous articles in scholarly and popular journals on competition, innovation, and high technology
* Author of The Relative Efficiency of Private and Public Broadcasting in Canada, Copyright Obligations for Cable Television, and other books
John E. Lopatka
* Alumni Professor of Law at the University of South Carolina
* Former Assistant Director for Planning, Bureau of Competition, Federal Trade Commission
* Author of articles on high technology and antitrust that have appeared in Antitrust Bulletin, Research in Law and Economics, Supreme Court Economic Review, UCLA Law Review, and other journals
Stephen E. Margolis
* Head, Department of Economics, North Carolina State University
* Author of articles on competition in high technology that have appeared in the Journal of Economic Perspectives, Journal of Law and Economics, and Research in Law and Economics, as well as in Upside, Wall Street Journal, Christian Science Monitor, San Francisco Chronicle.
Janusz A. Ordover
* Professor of Economics, New York University
* Former Deputy Assistant Attorney General, Antitrust Division, U.S. Department of Justice
* Author of numerous articles on competition and antitrust * Author of the books, Obstacles to Trade and Competition, Predatory Pricing, and Welfare Economics
Few issues in the high technology industry have become as divisive as the raging debate over competition and innovation. Will the robust competition and tremendous technological advances of the past two decades continue? Or, will they be suffocated by larger firms employing monopoly practices? Can markets "lock in" inferior technologies to the exclusion of better ones? How do antitrust laws affect entrepreneurship and technology innovation? What about the Internet "browser wars" and Mircosoft's battle with the U.S. Department of Justice?

These and related issues will be discussed by a panel of distinguished economists and legal scholars at this very timely Independent Policy Forum.

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