Reception: 6:30 p.m. | Program: 7:00 p.m.
The Independent Institute Conference Center
100 Swan Way, Oakland, California
Elands overall message is one that deserves a hearing before the United States embarks on a defense-spending binge.
LAWRENCE J. KORB, former Assistant Secretary, U.S. Department of Defense
The main value of Elands work is its critical treatment of assumptions that have driven national security strategy since the beginning of the cold war assumptions that should be addressed by all those seriously interested in the issue.
Highly readable and tightly argued... Scheer and his cohorts present a chilling portrait of the cabal of neo-cons who have commandeered American foreign policy.
ARIANNA HUFFINGTON, author of Pigs at the Trough
This broadside reviews the evidence (or lack thereof ) for linking Iraq to al Qaeda and 9/11, and reveals what the authors say is the inflation of Iraqs weapons capabilities and the erroneous assumptions about how long the war would take.
If you ever doubted that George W.s push for war in Iraq was anything butin Iraq was anything but bushwathis book will eliminate your doubts.
JIM HIGHTOWER, author of Thieves in High Places