Issue: Philosophy and Religion

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 91 - 100 of 1554 Results.

James Gwartney Made Economics Accessible
He helped popularize free-market ideas and even brought them to post-Soviet Russia.
Racial Preferences Replay Under Gavin’s Governance
Invoking “research” to override law and justify unequal treatment.
Let People Reimagine Housing to Make It More Affordable
California Will See Plenty of New Laws in 2024, but Few Which Will Fix Actual Problems
Harvard Should Pay Its Fair Share
How to deal with higher ed’s corruption? Milton Friedman had the right idea: Tax the universities.
Leave the Fence Alone: On ‘Toward a Political Economy of the Commons: Simple Rules for Sustainability’
Time Is on Government’s Side
Nearly a Century Later, the FCC Will Still Not Leave Well Enough Alone
The Anti-Woke Collegiate Counterrevolution Is Just Beginning
The real world might just be changing its approach to woke higher-ed.
Why Ordinary People Enable Totalitarians (Part II)

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless