Issue: Philosophy and Religion

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 291 - 300 of 1555 Results.

Brazilians Try to Decide Which Is the Lesser Evil
Faced with a choice between Lula, a corrupt socialist, and Bolsonaro, an ends-justify-means right-wing populist, many voters lean toward the latter.
The Fed’s Mission Creep Has Turned Its Monetary Policy into a Failed Mission
D.E.I. Statements: Empty Platitude, or Litmus Test?
University-issued “diversity statements” are either too banal to justify or unconscionable attacks on free speech.
How Evil Are Politicians? This Book Says ‘Very’
Free the World’s Greatest Market, Says Economist Bryan Caplan
Economic Essentials and Economic Errors
The Not-So-Invisible Hand: Central Banks
The Neoliberal Calumny: Getting Economist W.H. Hutt’s Life and Work All Wrong
Will Biden’s Support for the Iran Protests Backfire?
Although Biden’s policy of active assistance for the Iranian protesters is not as aggressive as Trump’s assassination of Qassem Soleimani, it might be as dangerous.
Pandemics and Liberty: An Introduction

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless