Issue: Asia

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 31 - 40 of 243 Results.

Does the U.S. Need to Contain China in Africa?
Post-Faucist America
Without crucial reforms, the NIAID boss Anthony Fauci will be neither gone nor forgotten.
Like Soviets and Russians Before, China Is a Hollow Threat
Reagan Was Right: Big Government Corrupts the Military Too
Should the U.S. Overtly Pledge to Defend Taiwan?
Pelosi’s Taiwan Trip Heightens the US-China Perceptual Dilemma
Biden and the Destruction of Wisdom
The Biden regime is decoupled from both the past and reality, and quite capable of destroying Americans’ lives as they have known them.
Our New Antoinettes
These humanitarian rich feel just terrible about the sins of America, but not terrible enough to sacrifice any element of their privileged lifestyles—the just deserts they feel for being so righteous.
FBI Ballot Initiative
The incoming Congress could end the FBI’s use and abuse of the Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act to spy on “U.S. persons.”
Should the United States Treat Taiwan Differently Than Ukraine?
Events and emotions surrounding armed aggression can easily carry a U.S. policy of strategic ambiguity toward a hot war with China.

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