Issue: Diplomacy and Foreign Aid

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 21 - 30 of 452 Results.

Does China Have a Point About U.S. Encirclement?
Reject Any Grand Bargain between U.S., Saudi Arabia, Israel and Palestinian Authority
Everyone would win but us. Pursuing a blockbuster deal is probably irresistible to a politician like Joe Biden, however.
Aid to Wealthy Israel Has Reached Its Expiration Date
Recent events in the country, along with its ranking in per capita income charts, provide a fresh opportunity for Washington to reassess its financial support.
Who Are the Real Authoritarians?
The GOP’s Wilsonian Mexico Policy
Authorizing military force in Mexico will not end the way they think.
Ukraine Should Never Be Admitted to NATO
Kyiv is demanding that the alliance give it something to walk away with at Vilnius. Will it succumb?
America Should Be More Like Saudi Arabia (In Its Foreign Policy)
Washington ought to emulate Saudi Arabia’s pragmatism and diplomatic flexibility, including reconsidering existing relationships and alliances.
Biden’s Foreign Policy Unnecessarily Drives China and Russia Together in Opposition
Some U.S. Allies Finally Need to Improve Defenses, Including Getting Nukes
We Need a Better China Policy. Banning TikTok Isn’t It.

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