Issue: Federal Budget Policy

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 11 - 20 of 319 Results.

What the Populists in Congress Get Right and Get Wrong
The Sovietization of American Life
Behind all our disasters there looms an ideology, a creed that ignores cause and effect in the real world—without a shred of concern for the damage done to those outside the nomenklatura.
Biden’s Budget Dims His One Shining Moment
Biden punched Vladimir Putin out and then the whole world came crashing down on the president’s head. Really?
Global Posture Review Makes Only Minor Changes to American Hegemony
The Global Posture Review is another reminder that Congress must reclaim its war powers.
The Federal Reserve Needs to Remove Its Blinkers
A monetary mistake based on an outdated paradigm could trigger a recession or even worse inflation.
How the Fed Finances U.S. Debt
Look behind the federal books to see the ways monetary policy has come to abet runaway spending.
Vaccine Inventor Questions Mandatory Shot Push, Biden’s Covid-19 Strategy
Vaccination “arms race” could prove dangerous to the American public
Biden ‘Stimulus’ Will Deaden Innovation
Keynesians have it backward: Growth is driven by production, not consumption.
Why Biden and Krugman Are Wrong about the $15 Minimum Wage
Robert Higgs: A Birthday Appreciation

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