Issue: American History

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 191 - 200 of 1014 Results.

San Francisco Values? Nancy Pelosi Explains It All for You.
According to her city, rules that apply to the working class don’t apply to the ruling class.
He’s at It Again! Merrick Garland Proposes Ever-More Intrusive ATF Regulations.
Freedom of Choice in Education: the Origins of a Slogan
For Whom Does the Ball Roll?
It’s time to recognize the successes and failures of American collegiate sports.
Misinformation Is a Word We Use to Shut You Up
Framers Would Likely Agree with Disqualifying Trump Under 14th Amendment
Newsom’s COVID Coverup
Despite the governor’s claims in his recent NBC interview, it was him calling the shots.
ObamaCare Turns Out to Be Affordable Only for the Healthy
It was supposed to help those with pre-existing conditions, but they pay dearly for bad options.
Gov. Gavin’s Gun Gambit
California governor seeks to enshrine failed gun control measures in the U.S. Constitution.
Ill Effects of Tuberville’s Abortion Protest Are Overblown

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless