Issue: Economic Inequality

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 161 - 170 of 252 Results.

The Gathering Storm in the West
Few are listening any more to the clueless Justin Trudeaus and bumbling Joe Bidens and all the toxic hypocrisies they embody.
The Inspiring Truth about T.R.M. Howard: An Unexpected Black History Month Lesson
Our Elite is No Elite at All
The only real recent public service of elites has been to persuade us why they were never elites at all.
Republican Priority: Make Trump Tax Cuts Permanent
House candidates should pledge not to let the 2017 rate reductions expire.
California Refuses to Learn From Vermont’s Single-Payer Failure
Sacramento’s plan would be even more economically devastating than the one deemed impossible in 2014.
Wokeism Is a Cruel and Dangerous Cult
Wokeism’s natural logic is to destroy the lives of people of both genders, of all races, and—if need be—of those of every age, all to leverage an otherwise unworkable ideological agenda.
Jordan Peterson: Why I Am No Longer A Tenured Professor at the University of Toronto
Free Markets, Not Slave Markets
The Collins and Fauci Attack on Traditional Public Health
Woke Got What It Wanted—and Then What?
Of the collapse of the woke appeal, perhaps we could say, “It couldn’t happen to a nicer bunch of zealots.”

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