Issue: Terrorism and Homeland Security

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 31 - 40 of 651 Results.

‘Conservatives Need Not Apply’ Under Biden Administration’s Proposed Hiring Rules
Reckless Reparations Reckoning
The lesson from the $22 trillion record of Great Society compensatory payouts is that massive infusions of federal money are more apt to ensure social disruption and dislocation than alleviate them.
The Garage Papers
From Alger Hiss to Sandy Berger, Hillary Clinton and Joe Biden, it’s all about memory against forgetting.
Peru’s Defining Moment: Its Government Rightly Prevented an Illegal, Leftist Coup
Killer Robots: Another Example of War Coming Home to You
San Francisco just approved technology that would allow cops to use lethal force via remote control. Sound familiar?*
How Evil Are Politicians? This Book Says ‘Very’
Will Biden’s Support for the Iran Protests Backfire?
Although Biden’s policy of active assistance for the Iranian protesters is not as aggressive as Trump’s assassination of Qassem Soleimani, it might be as dangerous.
Killing of Al-Qaeda Leader Shouldn’t Obscure Some Hard Questions
Salman Rushdie and the Price of Free Speech
Can the U.S. Become Exceptional Again?
It would take a renewed respect for work, laws, fiscal responsibility, enterprise and education.

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