Issue: North Africa and The Middle East

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 384 Results.

The Bad Theology of Our Israel First Foreign Policy
Sanctions Are for Losers
While sanctions fail to change Iran’s policies, they inflict severe hardships on civilians and rally support for the regime.
Saudi Arabia Goes for Transformative Hat Trick
Major update in every sense except political one
Comedy of Errors Has European Farmers Fuming
Don’t Expect New Sanctions on Russia to Do Anything
A new round of economic punishments, this time for the death of Alexei Navalny, is unlikely to be more successful than previous efforts.
What Netanyahu Can Learn from the War on Terror
The War on Terror exemplified how a state’s overreaction to an attack can cause more harm than good. Is Israel on the same path?
Markets Can Help Fix the Blood Shortage
The Federal Reserve at War
How will the central bank respond to instability in markets caused by global turmoil?
Beware the Rise of Esports Washing
How Saudi Arabia exploits video games for PR
America Should Be More Like Saudi Arabia (In Its Foreign Policy)
Washington ought to emulate Saudi Arabia’s pragmatism and diplomatic flexibility, including reconsidering existing relationships and alliances.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless