Issue: Federal Education Policy

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 234 Results.

The National Debt Is over $34 Trillion. It’s Time to Tell the Truth about the U.S. Government’s Finances
The national debt is expected to reach a new record by year end—but neither party has a credible plan to address it.
Grade Inflation and Campus Protests
Lack of academic rigor encourages mindless, mirthless, and militant mediocrity.
Javier Milei Shows Newsom and Biden How It’s Done
Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Pursues Predatory Actions
The department should have never existed in the first place.
To Have and Withhold: The IRS Gets Your Money Before You Do
The IRS should end withholding as a good first step toward trimming the power of the federal government.
Slavery Revisited: Time on the Cross at 50
Covid Lessons Learned, Four Years Later
Mandatory lockdowns had almost no benefit—but did significant economic and health-related damage.
What’s Wrong with the U.S. Welfare State?
Two Cheers for the Bipartisan Tax Deal
The Decline in American Universities, 2011-2024

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless