Issue: Public Schools

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 61 - 70 of 230 Results.

The Sovietization of American Life
Behind all our disasters there looms an ideology, a creed that ignores cause and effect in the real world—without a shred of concern for the damage done to those outside the nomenklatura.
California’s Math Framework Lacks Research to Justify Its Progressive Agenda
The False Narrative That Ethnic Studies Courses Improve Student Learning
The Nihilism of the Left
In pursuit of its utopian omelet, the Left cares little about the millions of middle-class Americans it must break to make it.
California’s Math Curriculum Framework: Still Woke
California’s Socialist K–12 Math Proposal, Take Two
Gavin Newsom’s State of the State Speech Highlights What Is Wrong with California
California Returns to A Divisive and Highly Politicized Ethnic Studies Curriculum
The Gathering Storm in the West
Few are listening any more to the clueless Justin Trudeaus and bumbling Joe Bidens and all the toxic hypocrisies they embody.
Joe Biden, Alchemist?
He is a delusional medievalist who does his best to turn golden policies into dross.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless