Issue: Defense and Foreign Policy

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 101 - 110 of 2051 Results.

10 Steps to Save America
Yes, there is a way. But is there the will?
The Most Selfish Generation
Americans today can’t match the achievements of the Greatest Generation.
Killer Robots: Another Example of War Coming Home to You
San Francisco just approved technology that would allow cops to use lethal force via remote control. Sound familiar?*
If You Really Wanted to Destroy the United States, Then . . .
It would be hard to imagine any planned agenda to destroy America that would have been as injurious as what we already suffered the last two years.
Post-Faucist America
Without crucial reforms, the NIAID boss Anthony Fauci will be neither gone nor forgotten.
Like Soviets and Russians Before, China Is a Hollow Threat
How Evil Are Politicians? This Book Says ‘Very’
The Tentacles of the Social Media Octopus
Is This the End of the U.S.-Saudi Partnership?
Will Biden’s Support for the Iran Protests Backfire?
Although Biden’s policy of active assistance for the Iranian protesters is not as aggressive as Trump’s assassination of Qassem Soleimani, it might be as dangerous.

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