Issue: Taxes

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 221 - 230 of 888 Results.

On Gas Prices, Simple Economics Trumps Biden’s Partisan Agenda
Taxing the corporate-greed “bogeyman” won’t decrease prices at the pump.
CA Propositions 26 and 27 Are More about Protectionism than Gambling
Brazilians Try to Decide Which Is the Lesser Evil
Faced with a choice between Lula, a corrupt socialist, and Bolsonaro, an ends-justify-means right-wing populist, many voters lean toward the latter.
Why Proposition 13 and Attacking It Are Both Popular
The Fed’s Mission Creep Has Turned Its Monetary Policy into a Failed Mission
What I Bet You Don’t Know about Poverty, Inequality and the Role of Government
A Guide to Avoiding the IMF–China Debt Trap
Lower-income countries can choose monetary reform, or they can continue being treated as leverage in a messy game of international politics.
Collegiate Complicity in the Erosion of American Identity
The Tentacles of the Social Media Octopus
California Tries to Delay Release Of K–12 School Test Scores Until After Election

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless