Issue: Transportation

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 141 - 150 of 318 Results.

The Left Got What It Wanted—So Now What?
There is no schadenfreude in seeing the Left destroy everything it touches—because its claws tear all of us as well.
The Afghanistization of America
We are doing our best to become a Third-World country of incompetency, constitutional erosion, a fractious and politicized military elite, and racially and ethnically obsessed warring tribes.
Epitaph for the ‘War on Terror’
Avenging 9/11 and preventing its recurrence was justification for putting enormous effort and money into unrelated or even counterproductive activities the ruling class sold to us as antiterrorism.
Recall the California Ideology
A careening Golden State is heading for a colossal train wreck. Voters will have to pick between the incompetent engineer or the private passenger rushing into the cab to get the engine back on track.
Lebanon’s Politicians, the Masters of Disaster—Exhibit No. 1: Artificial Fuel Shortages
I, Meal: The Symphonies of Cooperation on ‘Made in a Day’
On Workers’ Rights, Ideology Overrules California Voters
Does America Still Work?
Until our officials can ensure a humane and sustainable standard of living, we have no business lecturing others abroad, much less conducting endless witch hunts of our own at home.
Eight Months in, Biden’s Cascade of Failure
A cognitively challenged Biden is pulled in every direction, by left-wing politicos collecting their debts, by his own spite, by his trademark narcissism, and by his hatred of all things Trump.
Ripples of Kabul
In the aftermath of the Afghan debacle, we must depoliticize and de-weaponize these warped agencies and incompetent institutions.

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