Issue: Energy

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 71 - 80 of 432 Results.

The Subordinate Citizen
Americans feel that ordinary citizens like themselves who follow the rules are treated more harshly by their own government than are both noncitizens and our own progressive elites.
The Sovietization of American Life
Behind all our disasters there looms an ideology, a creed that ignores cause and effect in the real world—without a shred of concern for the damage done to those outside the nomenklatura.
Wind and Solar Will Have to Wait
Inflation is putting many things on hold.
What Krugman Gets Right and Wrong on Trade Surpluses
Water-Starved Citizens and Privileged Criminals
California’s model for the country
Our Spanish Civil War?
Deep and brutal strife in 1930s Spain was a prelude to the barbarity of World War II. Now with the war in Ukraine, we’re reminded that the veneer of civilization is very thin.
Biden Going Green by Killing Jobs, Strangling Growth with Red Tape
We Can Adapt to Climate Change Without Destroying Our Way of Life
Climate-Change ‘Solutions’ That Are Worse Than the Problem
The political assault on fossil fuels comes at the expense of the poor, peace, and the environment.
Can Ukraine Ever Win?
There is as yet still no deterrent force that can stop Russia’s bombs and missiles and disrupt Vladimir Putin’s nihilist strategy.

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