Issue: Pollution

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 31 - 40 of 171 Results.

Biden and Oil: Destroy America in Order to Save It
Our current oil shortage did not arise from a foreign war or tsunami, but from a deliberate policy to curtail oil production to force a more rapid transition to battery-powered transportation.
Economists Should Know Better than to Support Big Government Democratic Policies
Water-Starved Citizens and Privileged Criminals
California’s model for the country
Biden Going Green by Killing Jobs, Strangling Growth with Red Tape
Trickle-Down Racist Antiracism
This reactionary and neo-Confederate return to racial stigmatization and hatred is not going to end well.
We Can Adapt to Climate Change Without Destroying Our Way of Life
Climate-Change ‘Solutions’ That Are Worse Than the Problem
The political assault on fossil fuels comes at the expense of the poor, peace, and the environment.
Gavin Newsom’s State of the State Speech Highlights What Is Wrong with California
The Green Immoralists
Elite ideology divorced from reality impoverishes people and can get them killed.
Biden Swings at Russia, Misses Opportunity to Embrace American Fossil Fuels
Polls consistently show that Republicans, independents, and even Democrats believe we need to ramp up oil and gas production.

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