Issue: Medicare, Medicaid, and Obamacare

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 61 - 70 of 330 Results.

Student Loan Handout—Illegal, Inflationary, Immoral, Inequitable and More
Biden aiding Democrat university allies with disastrous student loan handout
Can the U.S. Become Exceptional Again?
It would take a renewed respect for work, laws, fiscal responsibility, enterprise and education.
Better Solutions for Rx Problems
The Government Runs the Ultimate Racket
Here’s What’s Wrong With BBB Lite
How Big Is the Marriage Tax? Now We Know
Build Back Better is Better off Dead
Are America’s Best Health Plans Being Unfairly Attacked?
The Cry-Baby Leftist Mind
How odd that leftists are destroying the very customs and traditions whose loss will come back to haunt them when Democrats lose the Congress in November.
Refundable Tax Credits Could Be the Healthcare Reform We Need

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless