Issue: Economy

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 501 - 510 of 3258 Results.

The Pétain Presidency
The World Is Facing Its Day of Inflationary Reckoning
What Can Healthcare Prices Teach About Inflationary Woes?
Four Reasons Biden’s Student Loans ‘Forgiveness’ Plan is Wrong
Fed Interest Hikes May End Up Having Unintended Consequences
The economy doesn’t need artificially high or low rates. It needs meaningful price signals—real rates.
The Pangloss Presidency
Despite evidence to the contrary, Americans now live in the best of all possible worlds.
Are Elon Musk and Jaime Dimon Crying Wolf about the Economy?
Elon Musk has a “super bad feeling” about the economy. JPMorgan’s Jaime Dimon forecasts an “economic hurricane.” Both claims are counterfactual.
The Subordinate Citizen
Americans feel that ordinary citizens like themselves who follow the rules are treated more harshly by their own government than are both noncitizens and our own progressive elites.
Five Ways Minimum Wage Studies Fail
San Francisco Boots Boudin
The recall of San Francisco’s pro-crime district attorney could be a promising sign for November.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless