Issue: Government Waste/Pork

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 51 - 60 of 363 Results.

Mending Our Tattered Health Care Safety Net
Unrealistic Plans to Crack Down on U.S. Power Plant Emissions Won’t Work
We’ve been down this road before—and so have others
San Francisco Builds a Wall for China
“Clean for Xi, but not for thee.”
College History Textbooks Spread Misinformation about the Great Depression
Neo-Marxism and the End of Language
How Globalist Oligarchs are Targeting Western Meaning
The Federal Reserve at War
How will the central bank respond to instability in markets caused by global turmoil?
Today’s Public Health Emergency: Restoring Trust with Seven Steps
Gov. Newsom Signs Bill on ‘Body Shaming’
But leaves state’s bloated bureaucracies untouched.
MAGA Republicans Shouldn’t Forget About Cutting Defense
A more restrained American security posture would help reduce the mountainous budget deficit.
Biden Bypasses Senate Confirmation in Labor’s Julie Su
A new, harmful precedent has been set.

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