Issue: Contemporary Politics

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 141 - 150 of 1702 Results.

Neo-Marxism and the End of Language
How Globalist Oligarchs are Targeting Western Meaning
Hamas Attack Reveals the Political Agenda of Ethnic Studies within the University of California
Reversing America’s Decline
Like second century Rome, we have seen a deteriorating quality of national leadership and a sense of national community.
Senate Confirmation Not Required
Biden administration appoints radicals as U.S. Senate is sidelined.
America Is An Overstretched Superpower
The United States has made too many formal and informal alliance commitments that come at a huge cost to American taxpayers.
The Need for Adult Supervision of Universities
Today’s Public Health Emergency: Restoring Trust with Seven Steps
Gov. Newsom Signs Bill on ‘Body Shaming’
But leaves state’s bloated bureaucracies untouched.
Gov. Newsom Goes to China
Newsom sees no downside to ‘collaboration’ with a major polluter and human rights violator.
Yes, Argentina Can Replace the Peso with the US Dollar

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless