Issue: Contemporary Politics

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 491 - 500 of 1702 Results.

Gavin Newsom’s State of the State Speech Highlights What Is Wrong with California
Putin’s Inflation? Biden Follows A Good Move with More Bad Numbers
Biden is making the case that the 8 percent inflation problem and the $110 oil problem and the $4.33 gasoline problem are all caused by Putin.
The Fed Needs to Put Its Eye on the Money Supply
Slowing its growth without triggering a recession is a tricky proposition. Is the central bank up for it?
The Green Immoralists
Elite ideology divorced from reality impoverishes people and can get them killed.
All Housing Is Affordable Housing
Biden Swings at Russia, Misses Opportunity to Embrace American Fossil Fuels
Polls consistently show that Republicans, independents, and even Democrats believe we need to ramp up oil and gas production.
California Returns to A Divisive and Highly Politicized Ethnic Studies Curriculum
The Economic Way of Seeing
How Politicized Is the Federal Reserve?
Forties Something
As the clocks strike 13, more wisdom from a war-torn decade.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless