Issue: Political History

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 916 Results.

Progressives’ Aversion to Private Industry Does Not Extend to Private Universities
The representation of public versus private universities in government is contrary to the historical image—Democrats have higher numbers of Ivy League graduates than their Republican counterparts.
The Year the World Went Woke
2014, when obscure academic jargon made the leap from the faculty lounge to mainstream conversation
Why Do So Many People Hate Health Insurers?
Time to Get Real about Renewables: Fossil Fuels Are Here to Stay
Approaching National Bankruptcy and the Wisdom of the Anti-Federalists
A Great Trump Appointment: Jay Bhattacharya (Part 2)
A Great Trump Appointment: Jay Bhattacharya (Part 1)
University of California at Planned Parenthood
UC San Diego teams with Planned Parenthood to collect “tissues” from pre-born infants aged 4 to 23 weeks.
The Second Amendment Dialogue at Federalist Society’s National Convention
Blaming Bill Buckley for Racism, January 6, and More
Historian David Austin Walsh tries and fails to rebut Jonah Goldberg’s Liberal Fascism thesis.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless