Issue: Political History

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 251 - 260 of 874 Results.

The Nihilism of the Left
In pursuit of its utopian omelet, the Left cares little about the millions of middle-class Americans it must break to make it.
Fear of Hobgoblins Doesn’t Justify Zoning
Ditch the Global Minimum Tax Grab
It would mean less revenue for the U.S. Treasury and will never get past a Republican Congress.
Do They Not Know?
History Should Be Our Guide in Ukraine
Ukraine can defeat Vladimir Putin’s expeditionary army if the West remembers that history is not on Putin’s side.
Where’s the Growth? Biden Budget Brings Back Obama’s Secular Stagnation
Ukraine War Reintroduces U.S. Politicians to the Second Amendment
The Sheer Madness of Today’s Left
When ideologues demand power but cannot achieve it politically because they are cruel ideologues, expect more of their insanity to follow.
Putin May Fear Default More than Defeat in Ukraine
The Defense Production Act Won’t Bring Us Supply-Chain Security

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless