Issue: Crime, Criminal Justice, and Prisons

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 141 - 150 of 575 Results.

The Government Runs the Ultimate Racket
Biden and the Destruction of Wisdom
The Biden regime is decoupled from both the past and reality, and quite capable of destroying Americans’ lives as they have known them.
Gavin Newsom’s Weird Idea of ‘Freedom’
Newsom resembles a pathetic owner of a once successful but now run-down, high-priced gas station without clients.
Supreme Court Second Amendment Ruling is about Self-Defense
Our New Antoinettes
These humanitarian rich feel just terrible about the sins of America, but not terrible enough to sacrifice any element of their privileged lifestyles—the just deserts they feel for being so righteous.
The Cry-Baby Leftist Mind
How odd that leftists are destroying the very customs and traditions whose loss will come back to haunt them when Democrats lose the Congress in November.
The Pétain Presidency
Domestic Terrorism Ignored
What the January 6 Committee Might Have Been
A real committee would also investigate the other, far larger and more lethal riots on iconic federal property months earlier.
The Pangloss Presidency
Despite evidence to the contrary, Americans now live in the best of all possible worlds.

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless