Issue: Free Speech

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 91 - 100 of 259 Results.

Michael Bloomberg Has Become the Advocate that Higher Education Needs the Most
D.E.I. Statements: Empty Platitude, or Litmus Test?
University-issued “diversity statements” are either too banal to justify or unconscionable attacks on free speech.
The Tentacles of the Social Media Octopus
The PayPal Fiasco Was No Accident
Remembering Hate Speech
What we used to know as “hate speech” is now presidentially acceptable speech, and what has followed from it is no surprise.
Higher Education Used to Love Controversy
The New Inquisition
Hollywood Blacklist Backstory
Time to Scrap the Espionage Act of 1917
Inflation Will Hit Universities Hard

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless