Issue: Gun Control

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 51 - 60 of 181 Results.

Kamala and the AK-47 Killer
Biden’s VP blames “assault weapons” for the actions of criminals and terrorists.
What Firearms Have “Common-Use” Protections?
Here’s an Uncomfortable Question ... For Gun-Control Activists
Fear of Hobgoblins Doesn’t Justify Zoning
Ukraine War Reintroduces U.S. Politicians to the Second Amendment
Department of Homicide Security?
DHS and the FBI have no leads in the murder of whistleblower Philip Haney.
A Biden Reader
The Delaware Democrat challenges reporters to “go back and read what I said.” Challenge accepted.
The Inspiring Truth about T.R.M. Howard: An Unexpected Black History Month Lesson
Conspiracies as Realities, Realities as Conspiracies
Conspiracy projection has split apart the country. The Left has fought efforts to learn the full truth, as they project conspiracies to disguise conspirators.
What Will the U.S. Supreme Court Decide?
Kamala’s Proportions

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless