Issue: Regulation

The Power of Independent Thinking


Showing 1 - 10 of 275 Results.

Playing the Defense
The Beef Trust, Cronyism, and the 1891 and 1906 Meat Inspection Acts
No Sweat?
Living Standards and Sweatshop Wages in Developing Countries
Research Diversity, Disruptive Science, and Scientific Consensus
Yoram Barzel
Property Rights, Political Economy, and the Reorganization of Economic Analysis
COVID Lessons Learned
A Retrospective After Four Years
Pumping Gas and Siphoning Rents
The Political Economy of Self-Service Laws
Power to the People?
Lobbying for Labor Rights in Brazil’s National Constituent Assembly
The Political Economy of Modern Wildlife Management
How Commercialization Could Reduce Game Overabundance
A Limited Defense of Factory Farming
The Ethics and Politics of Consuming Intensively Raised Animals
What Is the Great Reset?

  • Catalyst
  • Beyond Homeless